It's here now!!!!!!!! the 3.1 patch

I wouild wait a few more days on this. It seems it de-activates VSampler and you cannot get it re authorized. There are some very frustrated people over at the Cakewalk site.
Teacher said:
where is it? :confused:
They pulled it (again) until they get the Vsampler registration thing worked out.

I grabbed it before they pulled it and before I installed it I saw a note on the Cakewalk forum that if you have your vsampler303_dxi.exe or vsampler304_dxi.exe update file squirreled away somewhere, the registration problem is resolved after running it.

I gave it a shot on my laptop and it worked. I'll probably install the 3.1 patch on my DAW tonight unless other horror stories emerge.

I'm really looking forward to 88.2 capability with sample rate converters.


<sigh of relief>

Mackie Control is working correctly now!

I haven't tested everything, but at least I can use the record enable buttons on the desk now. I have them grouped with the input monitor (echo) button on each track and that's working from the desk too!

Now I have to learn to leave the mouse alone all over again!

SteveD said:
I gave it a shot on my laptop and it worked. I'll probably install the 3.1 patch on my DAW tonight unless other horror stories emerge.
I did the same (first on my laptop) and I'm going to install it on my DAW tonight in my studio...just befor the customer is comming...haha....there are a lot of people reporting that the workaround works....
GOD DAMN IT! Can't they release a patch that works?!?!? :mad:

Calm down, Moskus. Breathe! :eek: :o :p
moskus said:
GOD DAMN IT! Can't they release a patch that works?!?!? :mad:

Calm down, Moskus. Breathe! :eek: :o :p works as long as you install the VSampler update from MAZ after the takes about 1 more minute.... almost sound like you didn't get the update downloaded before they removed it.....:-)
HMusikk said:
I did the same (first on my laptop) and I'm going to install it on my DAW tonight in my studio...just befor the customer is comming...haha....there are a lot of people reporting that the workaround works....
FYI... I re-enabled hyper-threading on my DAW and enabled the "Use Multiprocessing Engine" check box in the Audio-->Advanced tab in Sonar last night.

It seemed to work but it wasn't exactly stable. It crashed a couple times.

There are reports on the Cakewalk forum indicating that you need to change two switches in the AUD.INI file as well. I haven't tried that yet. There are also reports that true dual processor users have been given the real gift here. They say it's like having a new DAW... screaming fast. Hyper-threading users noticed a moderate improvement.

I didn't see anyone complaining about crashes... so I might need to do some tweaking to get this resolved on my end, and I didn't have time to do that last night.

My point is... I wouldn't install ANY patch let alone this one just before a recording session!

Just my .02 worth.

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SteveD said:
There are reports on the Cakewalk forum indicating that you need to change two switches in the AUD.INI file as well.
For future reference: Which switches are they?
SteveD said:
My point is... I wouldn't install ANY patch let alone this one just before a recording session!

...naahh...gotta have some's least I think so...:-) I'll report back later to tell U how it went....:-))
moskus said:
So what's new in the 3.1 update?
Bugs Fixed in SONAR 3.1

The following is a list of bugs and other issues that have been addressed since version 3.00.

· SONAR would not start with ATI Rage Theater WDM drivers
· Transposing Audio for slip-edited clip would undo the slip-edit
· When an ASIO driver was in external clock mode, SONAR could crash if there was no ASIO clock signal
· Could not load more than one instance of UAD-1 plug-ins per track
· [Configurable widget layout] Audio track "Phase" widget would hide behind "Volume" widget if Phase widget was specified after the list of auxes
· Toolbar buttons did not appear enabled if moused over
· Crash could occur when opening a project if the file’s timestamp was before 1/1/1970
· Waveform display for pitch shifted clip was incorrect
· Child panes were not considered when looking for focus
· Track Menu status bar messages incorrectly referred to buses
· Muted buses were not dimmed in Clips pane
· Some Track view control labels used wrong color
· Markers toolbar could display wrong markers when more than one project was open
· Incorrect Bank Select Method could be used if there were additional/extraneous controllers after the start of a project
· Track send and output could be set to the same destination
· Applying FX to audio clips on MIDI tracks could cause a crash
· Some MIDI Envelopes would transmit incorrect values
· Tracks assigned to different ports with delay compensation plug-ins could play back out of sync
· Partially-selected groove-clips did not copy consistently
· Sony/Sonic Foundry Multi-band Dynamics plug-in did not work correctly in SONAR
· Hardware Main volume fader mixdown calibration error
· Stereo to Mono summing error (-6dB instead of -3dB) when hard panned tracks were feeding a Master bus
· Dropouts could occur when looping if using SIR
· Track pan would override send pan when a volume envelope was created
· In Offset mode, some widget labels would be obscured by “+” sign
· Changing focus to Console view could activate buttons in the selected channel strip
· Changing Window Layouts during playback could cause MIDI glitch
· SONAR would not retain and revert the File type when canceling a save operation
· Generic control surface commands didn’t move the Now Time marker
· Crash could occur if Auto Save engaged while saving a project
· Could not re-arrange tracks in Console view if any tracks were hidden
· Auto Punch region would include the last tick instead of “up to” the last tick
· "Smart" DXi Solo/Mute was broken for all control surfaces
· Bounce to Clips/Tracks would omit track name from resulting WAV file name
· Recording could be partially lost if Loop Explorer was opened during record
· Console view/Track Inspector operations could cause recording to be lost
· Audio engine would drop out and not restart if using multiple UAD1 effects in an FX bin
· Arming MIDI tracks could cause gapping of audio
· Sonar would crash when recording new tracks on old WRK files if the metronome port was assigned to “-1”.
· Recording more than one track in loop mode would stack the recording on one track
· SONAR 2 mono tracks would load as stereo in SONAR 3
· Confidence record preview waveforms didn’t draw when arming from a control surface
· Punch in recording during loop would only record the first take
· Meter Numeric Displays did not work with constant-level test tone signals
· Spikes could occur when waveform was drawn at certain zoom levels
· Waveforms could drawn incorrectly for loops imported an non-native sample rates
· Playback of a loop imported at a non-native sample rate would end early
· Trim levels could sometimes be changed after audio export
· Various errors in the online Help regarding exporting audio
· Audio engine could stall easily under certain situations
· Extra events could be transmitted to DXi's while looping
· Crash could occur when previewing loops in Loop Explorer view after changing default project bit depth
· "Move by" would act like "Move to" in Piano Roll view
· Insert DXi menu item was not disabled during playback
· DXi instruments could glitch or drop out when project was looping at low latencies
· CC events from non-playing tracks were sent to DXi's.
· Trying to preview 24 bit wav file in Loop Explorer view could cause a crash
· Double-clicking Numeric Peak value in track header didn’t reset if track was armed
· CV Vertical scrollbar didn’t appear until it was clicked
· Mix Enables - Bus FX setting was ignored on Export and Bounce to Track(s).
· Bus input Volume and Pan would not work after re-assigning output
· Confidence record could display at the wrong location when using high latency setting
· Confidence recording waveform could be lost during punch in record
· Fit Project to Window did not account for bus envelopes
· Inserting a new audio track during playback could cause a crash
· Crash could occur when opening and closing Options-Audio with no project open
· Crash could occur when changing audio bit depth with no project open
· Minor keyboard navigation problems when using the arrow keys in the Track View Bus pane.
· Touching a Console Strip Name control would mark the project as modified
· Bus effects were not exported when Mix Enables - Track Mute/Solo was unchecked.
· Aux Send Levels lost after deleting then undoing a track
· Clip waveforms sometimes did not match recorded audio
· Could not re-assign MIDI envelopes to a new envelope
· Sonitus:fx EQ grid would always revert to default grid resolution
· Disabled MIDI Volume control was not identified in Console view or Track Inspector
· Soloing/un-soloing any bus during playback would reset all bus peak level indicators
· Changing a Track Name did not mark the project as modified
· Register VST Plugins dialog had an outdated path.
· [Console view] Send on/off and pre/post toggles were too close vertically


I guess we should cut 'em some slack on the Vsampler thing ;)

OK...I took gave it a try and installed the Update as I said...I also installed the VSampler 3.04 update (full installation)....and gues what....everything worked perfectly....I had a customer working for 3 and a half houre without stops, dropouts, clicks or pops....:-)))))) you can (of course) see picture from the session on my web page tomorrow..... at
Does anyone know if they included the plugin for the StudioMix? (or can anyone confirm that it's fully supported?)

I want to upgrade to Sonar (still using PA9) but I also want to use my StudioMix "properly"
Does anyone know if they included the plugin for the StudioMix?
I don't use StudioMix but the Readme file that comes with the 3.1 update says: "StudioMix control surface plug-in" under "Whats new in SONAR 3.1"