It's been a while - BX chipset


So, what's the verdict? Is it dead or still the best DAW option? The CUBX-E looks pretty neat but is it worth getting the last(?) BX board on the market? Emeric posted some problems with the CUBX large image files but I never saw any final word on audio. How is the i815 chip doing? Please post some succses or disaster stories.


Hey Ola,

It does seem as though the BX chipset is almost gone. The machine I'm working on at the moment will be a DAW. The mainboard is an ASUS CUSL2-C, I815. No built in Video or Audio.

I'll let you know how it goes, disaster, or success.
Ok, I've now built 4 machines using the ASUS CUSL2-C. Only one of these was a DAW, but I've gotten reports that all is well. Each of these machines went together flawlessly, not a hitch. Well, one hitch and I've run into this on almost every ASUS mainboard that attempts the 'soft menu' CPU select. Occasionally it will boot to the BIOS for no apparent reason. If you use the DIP switches to set the processor, all is fine.

Anyway, If I were shopping for a mainboard and did not have the BX option, ASUS CUSL2-C would be my pick. No built in audio/video. It does have the ATA-100 controller, most boards do now I suppose.
That's good news. I'll see if there are any BX options left when I get a computer. Otherwise, I'll probably get the CUSL2-C.


off subject.. but close 820 chipset

I have an asus-cuc board wityh the intel 820 chipset - - I am not having any audio problems but i heard chipset was recalled. Any one know if this affects me?
I have a PIII 600eb chip
