Items getting messed up when changing tempo

MIDI Items/Audio Items. In other DAWs it's called CLIPS(Audio Clips/Midi Clips).

They what's inside the Tracks.

They overlap each other, resized, leaving empty spaces in between when I touch the tempo. This is a serious headache especially when dealing with very long songs with lots tempo changes.
Not familar with Reaper, but in most DAWs audio clips are not affected by tempo changes unless you have them tagged as specific tempo related clips such as a groove clip or acidized file. Midi however does follow tempo changes. This would cause all kinds of tempo problems
Not familar with Reaper, but in most DAWs audio clips are not affected by tempo changes unless you have them tagged as specific tempo related clips such as a groove clip or acidized file. Midi however does follow tempo changes. This would cause all kinds of tempo problems


I'm mainly familiar with pro tools. In PT you can set tracks to be sample-based (default Audio) or tick based (default MIDI). When you change tempo, the tick based material expands/retracts, whereas the sample-based ones don't move. You can change each track though. Audio can be tick-based, and will expand/retract with tempo change and will be affected by the TCE (Time Compression/Expansion) tool you select in preferences (I think). Similarly, MIDI tracks can be set to sample based, in that they don't become affected by tempo change. All have many uses.

When working with audio work, make sure you have your tempo correct before recording, otherwise you'll run into some problems. If the tempo has to be adjusted, there may be some TCE tools you can use, but they only work well if the tempo needs to be adjusted by up to about 3bpm. However, your best bet is to always record with the tempo set correctly beforehand.

MIDI, you can do with whatever you like.
I don't have reaper in front of me right now, so I'm going off memory, but:

If you select and then right click on the items you are having trouble with, which is likely all of them, you will see the "item properties" choice. Click on that and choose to edit them "En Masse" or whatever it says. You will see a drop down to change the items position to either move with the tempo of the song or not, and some other options that escape me right now as well.