ITB Mixing, how good can you get it? (CLA content)

Thank you Greg_L, yes....i did see your kind post.

IMO, i think i got pretty damn close using nothing but ITB tools. As far as if you guys/gals think this mix is rubbish, is purely because you probably dont like CLA mixes to being with. So of course no matter what i do, you will always think its "not good".

Im not here to contest about audio "purist" ideas and how over compression is bad, headroom is good, Analog is king, Loudness wars suck, etc......

I simply wanted to take characteristics of one ME's sound, and try to achieve such a sound using nothing but ITB tools. After A/Bing and listening to this last mix in my car, i think i agree with Greg_L........nailed it.

Well to address the ITB topic directly, ITB or OTB has little to do with being able to get a quality sounding mix. If you think having the waves CLA plug-ins verses any DAW "stock" compressor is required to achieve the signature "CLA sound" that is nonsense.

As to not liking CLA (I hate having to keep typing that) mixes; have you actually looked at his credits and listened to some of his stuff (its a rhetorical question - I'm sure you have) not everything he does is completely smashed beyond recognition and, as someone else has already pointed out, nothing he's done sounds like crap.

All that being said, at the end of the day, the only one that needs to be happy with your song, music, sound and or mix is you. Now if you want to be commercially accepted by the masses, that's an entirely different story.

The other thing I would add is there are many on this forum that are willing to provide comments and recommendations that are useful. However, be careful what you wish for because you might not (most likely wont) always get exactly what you want to hear. Mixing is subjective; you will get as many different points of view as you get answers.

Good luck
I listened to a few tracks, they sound good to me...a little flat sounding, especially the leads, but decent enough mixes...I dont particulary like rock instrumentals but thats a personal taste thing...

Ive no idea what the pages of shite are but Chris Lord-Alge has engineered acts as diverse as Stevie Nicks to Sum 41...I dont think he approaches everything with the same goal, neither should you..I do love the work he did with Green Day, not a favourite band of mine but production wise I love their recordings
I do too. Green Day is gay as shit, but their albums sound great. They're so basic though, you'd have to be a full retard to fuck those mixes up.
Anyone of us can find a way to fuck up a mix. I would never intentionally do it to sound like....................insert anything here.....................