Itam 16 Track Reel to Reel Recorder...?


New member
I'm going to be purchasing an Itam 16 track reel to reel that takes 1 inch tape. I've tried to do some research on this guy, but haven't found too much info on him. I was wondering what you all know. is it quality? what's the value? thanks!
petreestow said:
I'm going to be purchasing an Itam 16 track reel to reel that takes 1 inch tape. I've tried to do some research on this guy, but haven't found too much info on him. I was wondering what you all know. is it quality? what's the value? thanks!

I've heard that Itam is totally gone and it's very difficult to get parts for their machines. However, they were supposedly based on a Revox A77 chassis, so they may be pretty good quality. Unfortunately, I don't know for sure.

Sorry I can't be of more help!
ITAM was a small British manufacturer of tape machines. It seems they basically invented the 1/2" 8-track and 1" 16-track format, having the former in 1973 a year before TEAC. I don't know if they survived into the 1980s. The machines are rare although they turn up on ebay in the UK from time to time. I'd quite like one of the 8-tracks as a collector's item, but to be honest I'd be kind of scared to actually use it.

I believe My Name has one of these, but he hasn't yet been able to revive it.

Oh, and it seems the guy who designed them went on to found StudioSpares in 1983.