is Verisign domain registration any good?


New member
I registered my domain with NetworkSolutions a few years ago but that was before I started to hear rather bad things about them.

Does anyone know any networksolutions/verisign-web-site horror stories? Have they gotten any better? worse? Do you think I should cancel it and wait the usual amount of time till my domain name is available again? (I've heard horror stories about that too)

Whats a better domain registration company. (I know there are thousands....just name a few - from your experience).

I've never heard of any problems... I've had two registered...and hopefully should be getting my webserver back up soon... and I never had a problem exprecially when they got rid of all that stupid emain authorization crap for changing information and have you do it all over web now.
You don't have to wait until your domain name expires. You can change to another host anytime with most places. You'll just lose the time remaining on your current subscription.

I recommend FatCow

For web site hosting and optional domain name registration, I highly recommend
I've been with them for over a year for two web-sites. They charge $99 per year to host, and $20 per year to register a domain name (less than Network Solutions...)
Their support -- on the few occasions I have needed it -- has been very fast and responsive.
If any readers sign up with them, please say you were referred by so I get a small bird-dog fee!