Is this still the Vocals section of HR? If so...


New member
I was just wondering if it was. If it is, I was wondering if any of the singers could help me out with some vocal critiques. I'm going to post my url again in the MP3 mixing clinic for overall mix issues with my recordings, but I wanted to get specific feedback for my voice in the songs I posted here.
Basically what it comes down to is that I don't enjoy listening to my voice, and I don't know why. There's something that is off-putting to me in the songs I recorded, and I think it's a style issue of some sort. For a little background, the vocalists that I like include Dave Grohl (on tunes where he's not screaming his lungs off), Dave Matthews, John Mayer, Scott Weiland, Chris Cornell, Dispatch, Chris Martin, a little bit of Jason Mraz, John Popper (from Blues Traveler), and the list goes on.

Here's the soundclick link:
(Jenny's song is the more recent track of the 2, and both are different styles of music).

If you could give a listen, that would be great. I want to know if intonation is a big concern as well as phrasing and/or vocal ornaments (like bends or note embellishments) and the appropriate voice for the appropriate range or notes. I know a little bit about singing (chest, middle, head voice), but have never taken classical lessons. I did study trumpet for about 9 years though, so I know some of the mechanics of a wind instrument. Thanks in advance for all the advice.
It's a real nice tune, nice sound good mood. The vocal range is correct, the tone is good but you have a problem with pitch and you can hear strain in your voice because of it. Other than that, right on. You might want to try voicing the notes with the guitar and rehearse exactly what pitch you're looking for.