Is this powerfull enough?


New member

This is a recording of my own band I'm not entirly happy about the tightness but hey ;)

I tried to make the chorus as strong as possible,
please listen untill the end where there are some mass vocals ;)

Any comments will be very helpfull as it is still in the mixing stage

Thx alot in advance !!

This is a recording of my own band I'm not entirly happy about the tightness but hey ;)

I tried to make the chorus as strong as possible,
please listen untill the end where there are some mass vocals ;)

Any comments will be very helpfull as it is still in the mixing stage

Thx alot in advance !!

I'm diggin' the chorus a lot in this. You've got the dynamics nailed in that part.
That little snippet with vocal telephone effect is cool - that's my favorite effect for a vocal. The gang/mass vocals are so different form the mains, really nicely produced there...Outgoing metal voice just adds more variety to it all.

I really like the production here - lots of great stuff. You really crafted a fine piece here.....


This is a recording of my own band I'm not entirly happy about the tightness but hey ;)

I tried to make the chorus as strong as possible,
please listen untill the end where there are some mass vocals ;)

Any comments will be very helpfull as it is still in the mixing stage

Thx alot in advance !!

I think you have done a good job, thus far. The vocal arrangements work very nicely, particularly at the end. And I think the song could be pretty cool/

some things that bothered me, though...

the lead vocal is overall ok, but at the beginning there are a couple of off notes, which you don't want right at the beginning. I would go back and punch it, or fix it in software. In addition, I would compress that track more than what I am hearing now. It needs to "set in" a little more smoothly.

You were concerned about the chorus, and I think it is lacking in the punch that you are going for. But, it may be as simple as bringing up the bass, which is almost completely inaudible. Some rock bands don't like to mix the bass up, but I think it is a mistake not to. Without the bass in there, I can't really tell if your guitars are a problem. But, yeah, it's missing a little something...

Other than that, I was quite impressed. You have a sophisticated piece of work going there. Keep it up.
Listened to both mixes. The choppy guitar in the verses sounds much better in the 2nd version. The chorus is not doing it for me. I think the drums are too messy and indistinct and the cymbal wash is smearing everything. I agree you want to lift the intensity there, but maybe a different drum treatment might work better. Otherwise great tune!
First, nice tune. Second, great vox. Nice voice. Third, the playingis super! Fourth, the bass is nice and from my hearing the gits and the bass are not muddy. That is something I've been messing with lately.

The cymbals are slightly inaudible. Is it powerful in the guitars and the chorus singing it fine. But Mr. Bulls Hit is correct that the drums could be adding to the power around chorus. The speaking part is really cool. The group singing is also nicely done.