Is this good for recording?


New member
I am, as many others, a complete newbie to pc recording. My band wants to make a cd of our stuff over the holiday break to give out to family and friends. My computer is a 400 MHz, Pentium II, 13.5 gb (a lot used up), 128 mb RAM Aptiva IBM. The sound card is your basic multimedia PC soundcard with a mic in, line in, and line out. For monitors, all i have are my sony stereo speakers (2 200 Watt speakers). One of my other band members may be able to get a sound card which we can then install (is the aardvark direct pro LX6 good, any others that are cheaper??....). Also, i know that using stereo speakers aren't the best for use as monitors, but can it be done without totally making a horrible cd? I have gotten cool edit pro to use as my software. I also have a cd-r drive so that won't be a problem. Does anyone have any advice if this is good just to make a few cds, or should i definitely consider upgrading or getting any new stuff? Any advice would be appreciated.
What do U plan to use for recordin,

IE what program on your PC, what mic(s), what mixer or stand alone mic pre's ect.....

your PC looks fine for recordin minus the HD space, might wanna get some more.... it gets eaten quickly.... a lot of it.

I currently have 3 lower end shures (i believe they are 14A's - ), and what i've been doing is taking the head of my pa system (a crate PA6: ) and running the mics through the mic ins and then running a cable to the PA tape out to the computer. We have yet to get a multi-track sound card so, everything recorded with the mics simutaneously have all gone on one track. When we get a new sound card, this'll change. I'm not using a mixer (except for the pa head). The program i'm using is Cool Edit Pro which i've heard pretty good things about. I have a super disk drive so i'll just put finished songs on one of these disks (holds 120 mb) until its time to put everything together. Keep in mind that we don't plan to mass produce or actually try to market these or anything. We just want a decent sounding cd that we can sell for a few bucks or give to family and friends. Any other advice would be appreciated.
Yep, that will all work fine...... and don't forget that your line in on your soundcard is probly stereo, so U can record two SEPERATE tracks at once, just pan one hard left, and the other hard right.

Have fun,


PS, be careful not to use the amp out on that PA.... that would be ugly
Sabith: i tried that once just for fun (to a crappy laptop's line in), and it was ugly. But would it aboslutely permanently damage somethin?
There is no garuntee that damage will be done, but it is deffinatly possible, so I'd advise to avoid doing that =)

