Is there anything that is sticking out as being terrible on this mix?


New member

Other than that my toms are panned as if you're facing the drummer and the OH's as if you are.

And the bass squeal at the 2nd chorus.

Is there anything else you can hear that maybe I'm not picking up on that you would change?

Recording chain

Vocals - Neumann KMS 105 --> Focusrite ISA One
Ac. GuitarL - Shure SM27 --> Liquid Saffire 56 Input 2 (set to emulate great river pre)
Ac. GuitarR - Shure SM28 --> Liquid Saffire 56
Ac. Guitar DI --> Focusrite ISA One
El. Guitar - Shure SM58 on Vox amplifier --> Liquid Saffire 56
Bass Guitar - DI --> Universal Audio LA610 (Compressor enabled)

Kick Drum - sE Electronics X1R --> Liquid Saffire 56
Snare Drum - Shure SM57 --> Liquid Saffire 56
Rack Tom - sE Electronics X1R --> OctoPre Dynamic MkII
Floor Tom - sE Electronics X1R --> OctoPre Dynamic MkII
OH L - Neumann TLM102 --> OctoPre Dynamic MkII
OH R - Lewitt LCT140 --> OctoPre Dynamic MkII

All recorded using Logic.
Define "Terrible." We studio folks are taught to knit-pick at every minor detail possible. It is good in general. In my speakers, it only needs a few tweaks.

I noticed that the drums seem to be too wide and maybe too loud. It sounds like you used a widener on the snare. I detect a Right/Left delay, or a phase thing, or something.

I would narrow the drum set some and separate the guitars more so. (The entire mix needs more separation maybe via panning, level, and reverb.)
I would somehow narrow the acoustic only when the other instruments are playing. (My general rule is; Solo acoustic gets recorded in stereo, Filler or background acoustic gets recorded in mono. This song has a mix of each case.)
I would put the vocals more on top, again, only when the other instruments are playing. (It is just right during the acoustic passage.)

This is all just my "conventional thinking" opinion. Overall, you are doing a great job. The tracking quality sounds proper enough to work with it. I enjoyed it. Good camera work as well.
It sounds good, I really like the song. Echoing RawDepth, the drums do have an odd sound to them, perhaps panned too much? The snare could be tighter, more centred for me and the volume of the drums brought down a touch.

I would also try taking the acoustic to one mic during the bits where the band is playing and stereo for the quiet parts. I love acoustic guitar but there is a tad too much for me in those parts. I think it would bring the sound of the band out a lot more with less acoustic. Maybe not, but worth a try.

Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed it, 4 or 5 times :D

I think the weird widening effect was caused by a combination of the OH's picking up too much low end (I've stuck on a high pass filter) and the fact that I had a stereo reverb on the snare. I've now changed that to a mono reverb and the imaging is sounding much more natural.

The acoustic already switches to the DI for the loud bits, I've kept it quite quiet in the mix, mainly because I hate the sound of DI's and the drums carry that part.

Here's a couple of pics of the session to try and clear some stuff up!

Screen Shot 2013-03-13 at 15.29.14.pngScreen Shot 2013-03-13 at 15.30.55.png