Is there any tricks to blending harmony vocals?


New member
we just finished recording vocals for a song and then we did some harmony.. is there a way to eq them so they blend better with the lead vocals.. its the same singer who did both vocals. he sang them perfectly but as of now they are kinda seem seperate for each other. i want them to sound as ONE!
Try to pan them out of eachother's way a bit. Don't overdo it though. I would pan slightly and send them to the same stereo reverb, maybe EQ them apart a bit. It may sound weird but making them blend can sometimes mean making them more distinct from eachother. That way they fill out eachother's spaces.
Sometimes to blend a chorus with the lead vocal track, you can use less reverb on the chorus. Have the harmony either more dry or more wet than the lead. This way, you can distinguish the chorus vocals from the verse, plus they blend a little better. Hope this helps, Peace~
First things First, if you want them to blend, use your faders

if he did harmony on seperate tracks
track 1
track 2
track 3
track 4
track 5
track 6
track 7
track 8

the pinpoint THE MAIN stand out note, let's track 1
track 1-------up to guide all other vocals
track 2 ------move fader slightly down to accompany track 1
track 3-------move fader slightly to harmonize with track 2,3
track4--------slightly move, now pan left
track 5-------slightly move, now pan right
track 6-------slightly move, now pan right
track 7-------slightly move, now pan right
track 8 ------ if it's an odd note, keep centered but low

I dont know how your harmonies sound, but this is how your gonna get it to sound smooth, and as one with the leadm
with all the ones panned, ad reverb, it's not necessary to put reverb on all vocals, ((unless you want to)) but like I said, It depends on the style of music your doing: R&B, POP, COUNTRY, FOLK, I dont know ---- hope this helps you out
Gut, Shine, Squash and swamp.

Gut, cut the low mids to make them thin.
Shine, put a little boost of HF to make them airy (narrow band).
Squash, comepress them heavily.
Swamp, smother them in reverb.

or not
Usually just directing them to the same buss, and compressing there (together, mono!) is enough. I approach them as i would a polyphonic mono signal.

Then i pan them well on side, and delay them on the other side. I just love the harmony vocals for widening vocals and making stereo big. - please remember, for vocals to really be big one place, they got to be narrow someplace else. Comparison:)

If things don't blend, maybe you're too heavy with reverbs and compression someplace else? Better check that out, just in case. Often upcoming trouble in the mix is indicated by something else in the same frequency area.
Check this link out. It's my submission in the MP3 clinic. I won't pretend that it's great, or anything, but I've gotten some positive comments about the harmonies, and I detail exactly what I did with mic placement, panning, and effect on all of the vocal tracks.

Not sure what kind of song you've got, either, so perhaps what I did may not work for your sound goals. But, it's at least something to compare with, possibly.

Good luck!
