Is there any software that makes mixing and mastering automated?


New member
Aside from using monitors, so that my sound would be perfect! because the song I recorded sounds fine in a moderate volume but gets destorted in a high level volume
IM not aware of any such software that automatically mixes or masters. Too many variables to be able to write software like that.

No such animal.... and even if there was, it wouldn't work....... mixing is as much an Art as it is a Technology.

I'm guessing by this question that you didn't read the article link I gave you....
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Dimetre said:
Aside from using monitors, so that my sound would be perfect! because the song I recorded sounds fine in a moderate volume but gets destorted in a high level volume

No, there is no such software, but I'm pretty sure that it's not the mixing that is the problem if it sounds distorted when you raise the volume.
And the #1 reason there cannot be such a program, is because the "perfect" mix does not exsist.

What is perfect to YOU, may be horrid to me, vice versa.

Mixing and mastering is just something you have to do hands on, and practice with for years, until you finally master it in your own eyes.
I would have to guess that you don't actually have the manual for your Sonar Producer's Edition, do you...? :rolleyes:
my simple question made you histerical?

Do you accuse someone whos just asking a question a burgler? sorry if thats the way you think...Im asking because Im a newbie ith recording didnt you once become a newbie too? The reason Im asking is because I dont have experience in mixing maybe when the time you mix you were already great thanks for your help anyway!
I'm not accusing... I'm just curious. If you admit to not knowing the difference between recording and mixing, but you're using a somewhat advanced and reasonably expensive ($750 USD?) program, doesn't that seem strange?

And of course I had to learn. However, there were no home computers or recording software when I got into this. The only way to get experience was in the studio.

It just seemed fishy. I apologize for my non-witty remarks. However, there are much less expensive and far easier programs out there than Sonar Producer's Edition. That program assumes that you're quite proficient at recording and mixing already.

Once again, I apologize. (in bold even!) I'm usually immune to making knee-jerk comments such as that. I hope we're still buds.

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unless i was making a serious profit...i cant see the reason in buying any software that would be 750. thats not saying I would steal a 750 program but i would definitely have to watch someone else use it before i touched it. dont you hate people who can afford rediculously expensive shit and they dont know how to work it? DONT BE THAT GUY!
I remember being a newbie - it sucked!

Now I'm an "intermidiarbie" and can't even pronounce myself.

But at least English wasn't my 2nd language......

;) Q.

(despite what some might say and the Crocodile Hunter notwithstanding)
You know, this whole automated mixing / mastering software is actually a pretty good idea.

That way, if/when any of my clients' mixes come out sounding like shit, I can just blame the software.

Come to think of it, I could even take an awful lot of creative liberties I've never taken before. (Chessrock to client: ) "Sorry man. I wanted your guitar solo louder, too. Must've been the software. Goddamn piece a' shit software always screwin' everyone's mixes up."
You just need the x.0.2 update - it fixes everything and it going to be posted next week.


chessrock said:
You know, this whole automated mixing / mastering software is actually a pretty good idea.

You know its possible to some extent. If you were able to have intelligent track labels that knew based upon spectral analysis where the most popular settings and levels were then the eq, compression and levels could automate to a certain degree. It would be like that Hal-Bar things but on a track by track basis instead of the 2 bus mix section.

For a DAW that could take some of the learning curve down a few points. If we were really smart you would get pop-ups telling you where you could improve that tracking as well. Sorta like Mix Mentor in a Box (c) :)

Yes... then plug it into a Finalizer - hit a preset - and voila! you've got "perfect" sound!!!!!!!!!!! ;) :p
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There is "mastering in a box". I don't remember the name now, but you load in the spectralcurve of your fav song, and it will adjust the spectral curve of your mix.

Insane idea. Lot's of people seem to think its the bees knees... I'm sceptical.
I've used several of those - The S'Berg "Free Filter" - Dynasone, Voxengo, etc.

They ARE the bees knees...

Assuming that "bees knees" means "basically worthless" -

You should bee - I mean "be" skeptical.

John :D