Is there a way to use a pedal to start and stop Audition - rewinding would be great t


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Hi! I'm trying to transcribe a really shitty sounding recording of a seminar from the 70's. With transcription software you can use a pedal to start and stop and rewind. I have the pedal but would love to get it to work in Audition because the noise reduction is so good.
I've tried reducing the noise and then importing the reduced noise file back into the transcription program but sounds like crap like I didn't even noise reduce it. I don't get it. Wish i could just get this damned pedal to work in Audition. Any ideas?
Hi! I'm trying to transcribe a really shitty sounding recording of a seminar from the 70's. With transcription software you can use a pedal to start and stop and rewind. I have the pedal but would love to get it to work in Audition because the noise reduction is so good.
I've tried reducing the noise and then importing the reduced noise file back into the transcription program but sounds like crap like I didn't even noise reduce it. I don't get it. Wish i could just get this damned pedal to work in Audition. Any ideas?

I can only speak for Audition 3.

If your pedal sends a MIDI command (or if you have any other MIDI device that can send a command or note) Audition 3 allows you to map that note or command to any of the transport functions (and many other functions). Look under the "Edit - Keyboard Shortcut and MIDI triggers" menu. Select the feature you want control and assign the MIDI command in the dialog box on the right side.
It's a USB pedal and I'm looking under the Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts , Under transport, I see Stop and play but don't see anyway to select the pedal.
why does the noise reduction not seem to be working after import to another program?

I'm going crazy with this - The file sounds great in Audition - I've got the noise reduced pretty well - then when I export it as an aiff, and import it into the transcription program so I can use the pedal, it doesn't sound like it has been noise reduced at all. I've tried redoing it a bunch of times and same result. Am I going crazy - is there any valid reason this might be happening?