is it ok to ask this?


New member
Hi everyone,

I don't know if this is the place for it, or if it is bad taste to ask, but...

Since there isn't a forum specifically set up for it, is it ok to request equipment to buy from the people frequently on this board? I get the feeling that there are people frequenting this site who probably throw away or have mothballed in a closet somewhere better equipment than I currently use or that I would love to have.

For example, I could really use a decent balanced patchbay, but I'm so totally tapped right now, I can't even buy something as cheap as that without getting circumcised by the missus. maybe someone has one they aren't using and wouldn't mind unloading it on the cheap.

But i bet no matter what your setup is, there is always someone with better stuff looking to get better stuff still, and would benefit from getting it to you as you would benefit from getting it.

Lemme know what ya'll think.

Yo', try posting this same question in the "FREE ADS FOR MUSIC/RECORDING EQUIPMENT" forum here!