Is it mandatory to have a monitor?


New member
Im a rapper, fairly new to equipment, and maybe you've seen my other threads

I have

-Mxl Studio 2003 Condenser Mic
-Alesis 6Multi Track Usb

Thats all i record with. Is a monitor a must have?

If so what are the benefits of using it?

oh and ps

this forum is great
Well you need a Monitor to Listen to what you have Recorded, You can use Crappy Stereo speakers or Computer speakers but you aren"t hearing what you have recordied you are Hearing a Colored version of what you have recorded which Might not sound very good on other Audio Systems....

The Purpose of Monitors is to give you a True Representation of what you are recording so you can get a Proper Mix Down, Regular speakers will Color the Sound by Boosting certain audio Frequencies and subdueing others so you never get a True representaion of what you have recorded so when you Mix down it might sound good on your speakers but might sound like Crap on others....

Studio Monitors do not Color the Sound so your Mixdowns useing monitors will sound good on a wide variety of Sound systems not just your own, Pluss Monitors Just sound Awesome compared to cheapo Stereo or Computer speakers....

You don"t really have to spend a fortune to get a Fairly good set of Monitors as I just Picked up a new Set for $300 Canadian which you can probably find in the US for about $240....

The ones I got are the "Yorkville YSM2P Active Monitors" which are Bi-Amped meaning there is a seperate AMP for the Woofer and tweeter and have an active Crossover and they go VERY LOUD for such small Speakers, I haven"t had them higher than 2 yet and at 2 they were very Loud....

You will notice that the Differance in sounds from cheapo speakers to Studio Monitors is like Night and Day , Your Music will sound so much better with good monitors than with cheapo speakers.....

Minion said:
The Purpose of Monitors is to give you a True Representation of what you are recording so you can get a Proper Mix Down, Regular speakers will Color the Sound by Boosting certain audio Frequencies and subdueing others so you never get a True representaion of what you have recorded so when you Mix down it might sound good on your speakers but might sound like Crap on others....

If you are going to spend $$$ on only one piece of gear then monitors should be it. Trying to record/master without knowing what your mix truly sounds like is nearly impossible. Get good monitors. Then you'll know what it sounds like on everyone else's system. BTW-Still use your cheapo computer speakers afterward so you know what it will sound like for those folks too. Good luck. ;)