is it bad...

to keep my amp in the on position, have it on standby, and use my power conditioner to start up my whole rig, then turn off standby after the tubes have warmed?
no, not at all. my amp has 2 options, bold and spongy, no big deal at all, im just curious, so i can keep it and only have to hit the one switch, once again, not a big deal at all, its not a problem, just wondering.
It shouldn't make any difference to your amp. All it knows is that it's off in standby mode, it receives power, then its taken off of standby. Whether the power switch is flipped on the power strip or on the amp itself, it shouldn't matter. I do the same thing with my current setup at home, and I use the power strip's switch, the amp's switch, and the amp's standby switch.

As long as you're still using the standby switch, you should be good to go.