Is "Guitar Hero" Bad for Guitarists?

yeah guys...lighten up. It's not as if we play guitar hero because we just now figured out we suck at playing a real guitar...Sheesh...I've already known that for years. There simply is nothing wrong with playing another video game platform that happens to cater to who of all people.... All of us who love and play guitar, that's all it is. Besides, as stated earlier....If it has to do with "rockin", hearing some older really kick azz tunes, what could be wrong with it?
Nothin at all wrong with playin games. The rub comes when you equate game playin with guitar playin, frankly, I don't care, I find the comparison obtuse
Nothin at all wrong with playin games. The rub comes when you equate game playin with guitar playin, frankly, I don't care, I find the comparison obtuse

I think you are right, why is there a comparison at all? This forum has a hundred posts per week doing the comparison thing, and most of the time I read them and ask myself why bother with the comparison ? apples and oranges. my main beef with it all is that I would love to see my kids put as much time into the guitar or drums as this game.
. . . .On a funny note I find the game horribly in accurate. How can you be a guitar hero with no whiskey, whores, smokes, or major narcotics? And then there is rock band. Now, I dunno about any one else, but unless it comes with lawyers, fans to sue, and/or assault, and when your all done you get to bang your band mates wife. . . .this is also just another false representation. And lets not forget the eventual downward spiral into a heroine enduced coma. Abruptly followed by the VH1 behind the Music special.


Ya know. . . . THAT is an excellent idea for entirely different game in and of itself. May I suggest you patent it before someone else does. It's sheer genius!! You could call it "Guitar Hero: the REAL game". :D
i don't know if it's a good or bad thing in relation to guitar playing in general...

what i DO know is that a lot of people are spending a lot of time playing a fake guitar, when they could've been playing the real thing

i'm getting sick of hearing people say shit like "dude, i played GH for like 4 hours last night...and i can FINALLY play such-and-such song perfect!"

i can't help but :rolleyes: and ask why they didn't spend 4 hours learning to actually play the song
i don't know if it's a good or bad thing in relation to guitar playing in general...

what i DO know is that a lot of people are spending a lot of time playing a fake guitar, when they could've been playing the real thing

i'm getting sick of hearing people say shit like "dude, i played GH for like 4 hours last night...and i can FINALLY play such-and-such song perfect!"

i can't help but :rolleyes: and ask why they didn't spend 4 hours learning to actually play the song

Because it's a video game? Has to do with competing for fun, scoring points etc like any other video game? But instead of a regular controller it's uses a controller shaped like a guitar. This type of logic is no different than criticizing someone who plays some Halo instead of spending that time learning or practicing a rmusical instrument. That's all fine, but not everyone is geared to play real music, and there's no reason why people can't have a number of passtime activities. Guitar Hero is an arcade game, plain and simple. It's not a subsitute for the real thing and isn't meant to be.

I see the point if we're talkin about an epidemic, whereby musicians/music students begin giving up their instruments, becoming completley addicted to a game like Guitar Hero instead of practicing or realizing their full potential.
I've never played these video games, but I understand that they can be bad for professional baseball players:

"Guitar hero? Pitcher hurt playing video game
Tigers’ Zumaya missed three games of ALCS

When the Detroit Tigers lost flame-throwing relief pitcher Joel Zumaya for three games of the American League Championship Series this past October, it hurt his team. The reason for the injury, however, is even more painful.

According to the Detroit Free Press, Zumaya was hurt playing a PlayStation 2 video game called "Guitar Hero", in which the player simulates playing an electric guitar for popular rock bands. Zumaya, a 22-year-old rookie, suffered inflammation in his right (throwing) wrist and forearm from playing the game.

When Zumaya went to the Tigers training staff about his injury, they noticed his pain was more consistent with a guitar player than a baseball pitcher, according to the Free Press. Since Zumaya was known to play the game, the team asked him to stop, and he pitched pain-free in the World Series."
Wow...thats too funny! That'd be pretty embarassing to not be able to pitch in the World Series due to something like that.
I bought a Wii this Christmas for my 2 youngest daughters along with a number of games including the Wii Guitar Hero.
The Guitar Hero gets played the least thus far.
However, as mentioned above, it does make you listen (ear training) and it does make you think keenly about rhythm and tempo (rhythm and ear training) and more importantly, it forces you to play along with a "group" thus getting you out of that "it's all about me" mode and learning that playing in a band is a team effort.
Nonetheless, I suck at it so I play my guitar instead. :D
Now what about the testicular cancer cases that are increasing due to the wireless technology.??? That friggin guitar is right on your balls mate!
I don't know, I can play a guitar if I want, but in my video game time, I'd rather wreck cars or shoot North Koreans . . . I can't do that in real life . . . without increasing my insurance premiums . . . :o