is a software needed?


New member
i would like to no if a special software is needed to record vocals on abosulte quiet no noise or do it has to do with the place im at
It has to do with where you're at, the mic, the preamp, mic technique... Lot's of things can add noise... It would be easier to get rid of the noise before you record. Good luck! ;)
What pikingrin said it utterly correct & correctly uttered. Though don't forget death rattle. That sure can stuff up a good vocal take.
youngace191 said:
i would like to no if a special software is needed to record vocals on abosulte quiet no noise or do it has to do with the place im at
Software no, place you're at yes. Are you related to Walters?

A good brand for what???????????

Please tell me that English is your second language. If it is, you're doing ok communicating with us. If English is your first language, then we have alot of problems.

Toyota makes a good car, is that what you are asking?

youngace191 said:
so its a bad brand? wat a good 1
I think english has become a second language for all teens. Man, you want some answers, then ask like a normal person. Spell the fucking words out! Until then, the only advice I could give you is to put as much silence in your music as possible.
i am talking about is samson a good brand for mics mixers headpfones etc. because im about to by sum equipment but im trying to stick to one brand for everything so i would like to no if samson is a waste of money is it good quality or not

Translation - "What I am talking about is Samson. Is it a good brand for mics, mixers, headphones, etc... I am asking because I am about to buy some equipment, but I am trying to stick to one brand for everything. Is Samson a waste of money? Is it quality or not?"

hmmmm, Not sure why you'd want to stick with one brand for everything. That doesn't make much sense.

Samson is pretty much bottom of the line. So if you are going to buy "sum" equipment, Samson is NOT a good brand.

Quick spelling lesson :eek: - It is some, not SUM, unless you are discussing mathematics (ie the sum of an infinite series) . No is spelled KNOW, unless you are talking about the opposite of yes. im is spelled "I'm", which is a contraction for I AM.

This is all pretty much stuff I knew since the fifth grade or so, well before I even attempted to learn how to record music.

youngace191 said:
i am talking about is samson a good brand for mics mixers headpfones etc. because im about to by sum equipment but im trying to stick to one brand for everything so i would like to no if samson is a waste of money is it good quality or not