Invulnerable High Frequency Noise


New member
I am working on voice packs for XCOM 2, a project that involves cleaning files of music and background noise. I've done well over 1000 of them, and even maintain a guide on the subject. However, I have a clip that is stumping me and I was wondering if I could get some thoughts.

If you listen to this clip you will hear some very obvious high frequency noise. That should be easy to remove using either a notch or low-pass filter. However, no matter how much EQ I throw at it this sound will not go away. Even with a hard drop-off of over 100dB at 1KHz you can STILL hear it, at 2KHz it is present more or less in its entirety. What the heck is going on here?

I'm a full time sound designer and game audio specialist. I know exactly what your problem is here. I'm attaching a copy with the HF removed.

This did a little too much damage to be usable, and once I explain the technique, you'll want to attempt this again using the original unedited file. I assure you there is a correct way of doing this.

Unfortunately, what is needed to explain this is far beyond what I can illustrate on this forum given the limits of how it uploads screenshots, can not host playback modules and will not allow you to organize text around JPG uploads. The editing techniques and tools for what you need to do here are also beyond what people on this forum will understand and will benefit from anyway. I'll upload the audio file then post on a different forum that allows me to walk through the steps and details necessary to accomplish this.

I'll link to the other forum (which is Discourse based) when I have the explanation put together.


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The editing techniques and tools for what you need to do here are also beyond what people on this forum will understand and will benefit from anyway.
I'll upload the audio file then post on a different forum that allows me to walk through the steps and details necessary to accomplish this.

If you're not going to share it with the idiots who lurk here, maybe your time would be better spent on the other forum with the guys who will understand.
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If you're not going to share it with the idiots who lurk here, maybe your time would be better spent on the other forum with the guys who will understand.

This is not personal and not an insult to this site. You can not arrange pictures around text here, and that was very important for the step by step explanation. I'm on a mac using Safari. When I upload them, they all upload in a single box, and you can't even label them. On top of that, your playback engine doesn't allow you to embed audio clips either.

This has nothing to do with people on here being idiots. Even ~IF~ i figured out a better way to present this visually, its very clear that no one here as worked in sound design on triple A games or done any audio work in major film studios. That is not an insult to the people here, its the reality of this being a HOME RECORDING FORUM.

In 5 some years of lurking around here, this is the first time seen anyone reach out for an advanced level of sound design help.
Nothing there is beyond the comprehension of HR users, or the editing capabilities of the site.
Link removed.

If you wish to advertise, contact AudioFanzine.
This is not personal and not an insult to this site. You can not arrange pictures around text here, and that was very important for the step by step explanation. I'm on a mac using Safari. When I upload them, they all upload in a single box, and you can't even label them. On top of that, your playback engine doesn't allow you to embed audio clips either.

Our posts overlapped there.
The uploader allows for inline images and formatting within a post.
I believe audio clips can be embedded too, although I don't use that feature. I generally use my own server or some third party.
Nothing there is beyond the comprehension of HR users, or the editing capabilities of the site.
Link removed.

If you wish to advertise, contact AudioFanzine.

I did not say it was beyond their comprehension. I said it was beyond what anyone will understand. Not what they are CAPABLE of understanding. It seems to follow that if no one understands it, it is only relevant to the one person who does (namely the original poster), or to another person who is more or less annoyed by the semantics of how that sentence was worded.

It seemed pretty reasonable to assume no one else has any use for this information since the context of this audio job does not even resemble what the majority of this group is here for.
Testing format

---------- Update ----------

What in the hell????


  • 55184555-blah-blah-blah-seamless-pattern-and-so-on-.webp
    115.2 KB · Views: 4
  • blahblah.webp
    46 KB · Views: 4
  • blah-blah-blah-picture_csp0187967.webp
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Just answer the question, if you want to, and don't worry too much about your wider audience. ;)

Look dude. I'm sorry...the inline feature on the uploader does not seem to work. You're gonna have to explain how to do this, because it is NOT obvious from the formatting options.

---------- Update ----------

You have to
View attachment 102395
insert the images inline
View attachment 102396
when uploading
View attachment 102397
I did that. What did I do wrong here?
In the attachment uploader there's the option to 'insert inline'.
That will let a small thumbnail of each image will appear in your new-post editor box, and you can type around them or reposition them as part of the text.

I'm on safari too.
Just go-advanced->Manage Attachments->Upload, then make sure they're all in the 'insert inline' box along the bottom.
In the attachment uploader there's the option to 'insert inline'.
That will let a small thumbnail of each image will appear in your new-post editor box, and you can type around them or reposition them as part of the text.

I'm on safari too.
Just go-advanced->Manage Attachments->Upload, then make sure they're all in the 'insert inline' box along the bottom.
I am. I don't understand how you were table to type captions in between the thumbnails.
I see what you did here, but when I tried to manually code this (minus the comment slashes and the missing bracket) into the quick reply box it gave me an error message

//QUOTE=Steenamaroo;4484456]You have to
//insert the images inline
//when uploading