Introduction Thread


New member
Hi there,
my name is Rory and I have just started to get into home recording.

I did it at school for GCSE which was rubbish, as it only showed my how to sequence in logic, and I did it for a year at college, which again wasn't too good as it only showed me how to record others and didn't really give me any knowledge about how it all works.

I have been playing around with a USB interface and a midi keyboard on logic for the past 2 years, but I want to take it further. I am going to be doing a 2 year music tech course in September, so I have decided that whilst I am working full time at the moment, I am going to invest in a small home studio set up so I am able to practice it at home.

Now I pretty much know what I need to get, I already have a macbook pro with Logic, and I bought an Edirol FA-66 interface the other day, which is loads better than my rubbish USB interface. I am looking into getting some monitors from eBay, and possibly a small mixing desk and an effects unit.

First of all, the main question I have been wondering is do I need a mixing desk?
When I did it at college, I used a Digital mixing console. These are great because it means I don't have to use the mixer/buttons in logic as I can do all this from the desk. However, due the price of these, I cant get one. I am thinking of spending up to £150/200 on one, probably second hand it from eBay, however do I actually need one and what would I need it for?
I have looked at USB ones, and I am not sure if these are good. A small analogue one is what I'm after, so if I was to get one, how would I link it up to my interface and then into logic?

Sorry for sounding like a complete beginner, but I am to be fair..

A console is fine if that is the way you want to go and you know that you don't need one ..... I guess it all boils down to what your comfortable with.
Is this a double sarcasm? :laughings: gotta love it.

That makes this quadruple sarcasm because its squared.

Welcome to the forum Rori - As far as a mixing desk that really depends on what you are recording - but a mixer interface is probably what you want - for your budget you will not get multi-track recording - you will get stereo recording. If you spend a little more money you can get true multi-track recording. This might help.

USB/Firewire Computer Interface:
How you patch a mixer through an interface depends on the mixer and the interface.

You can patch direct outs from the mixer, or the main outs too into the interface inputs. Patch control room outs from the mixer to your monitors.

You can set up the interface to output either individual channels from Logic back to the mixer, or the main stereo output from Logic, or both if you have enough channels on the mixer and the interface.
Squared ?

I squared the double sarcasm - I think that effectively cubes sarcasm but I didn't pay much attention in math class so I could be wrong... :mad:

(Sarcasm X 2)2

Math Humor FTW! Now here is a picture of a dog umbrella ella.. ella.. :confused:

Is that an attached pooper scooper? Looks to be doubled plastic in the tail end.

Not sure - I think it would be more entertaining if it wasn't transparent.

Maybe you could paint it up with tiger stripes and put big eyes on the front... Or cover it in fake fur - that would be interesting