Interface help!!!


New member
I have posted in a couple of different places and need help. I am at a crossroads - I just purchased the M Audio Mobile-Pre with Pro Tools MP9. While I am very happy with the Pro Tools, I am less than impressed with the Mobile Pre. Question is this.. Do I stick with M Audio, due to the great bundle pricing with Pro Tools and shoot for a little better interface, or would I be better off spending more money on a much better interface and using a less expensive DAW for now? If the option is to change entirely, I want the best I can get for the money. I only need a max of 4 channels (2 will work), and need software that will auto punch in (as I record alone most of the time), and also add effects, etc. in real time. I would like to keep this in the $300 to $400 range for now. Thanks for the help.
A DAW is a DAW - they all do the same thing, so you work with whatever works best for you...

Lots of Reaper fans here... $60. Mr Fox speaks da troof on that score..

Can't help you with interfaces, sorry...
I have really been looking into the Tascam. Next question.. I know the Focusrite supposedly had good preamps, is the Tascam just as good or better? I like the idea of having enough channels to grow on in the future if need be, and do not mind going on up a bit in price to do what I need to. I mainly want good monitoring capability, good clean and QUIET preamps, and something that will work with a variety of DAW if I need to go a different route, however I hearing many of you like Reaper better than Pro Tools.