interface connection


New member
I'm new to recording and computers, I have an imac with 8gig ram, running Logic Express 9 and Pro Tools Mpower 8. I wound up with two interfaces, a M Audio Profire 610 and a Focusrite Saffire LE. Is there a way to set them up so I can switch back and forth between the two without having to disconnect and reconnect the firewire cable each time? The mac has only one firewire port, would a firewire hub work? Daisy chain does not work. The Focusrite does not have an on/off switch, the only way to turn it off is to disconnect the power. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Daisy chaining is only for similar units. For instance the Presonus Firestudio line can be daisy chained because they use the same ASIO driver. As far as I know DAW software will only accept one input devce (ASIO driver) at a time. Not sure about a hub, I think that's something your going to have to try and see.
You should be able to leave both of the connected using a firewire hub and change the driver in the software to whichever you want to use at the time. You'll probably need to power down whichever one you're not using.
Thanks guys, Does anyone know anything about an icecube G2 super S combo external drive? and would you use it in your recording set up?