Interface and Mixer question


New member
I am not necessarily a Newb, but I am confused about this. Here is what I want to do and thought it was possible, but now am confused:
I would use a mixer to plug in the different preamps and mics. Then, line out each channel to the Echo Audiofire 12 inputs. Then, use the Echo line outputs, and be able to plug back into each track. The mix coming from the mixer would basically be each of the line outputs from the Echo. I will explain why I want to do this to make it more clear: I want to be able to use preamps or the mixer's preamps for my mics. But then, I want to be able to edit the sound and add plugins in something like Cubase. But then, I would like to be able to mix the final mix on a mixer and probably have the master line outs going to either an external recorder, or extra inputs I might have on the Echo.


Munga said:
I am not necessarily a Newb, but I am confused about this. Here is what I want to do and thought it was possible, but now am confused:
I would use a mixer to plug in the different preamps and mics. Then, line out each channel to the Echo Audiofire 12 inputs. Then, use the Echo line outputs, and be able to plug back into each track. The mix coming from the mixer would basically be each of the line outputs from the Echo. I will explain why I want to do this to make it more clear: I want to be able to use preamps or the mixer's preamps for my mics. But then, I want to be able to edit the sound and add plugins in something like Cubase. But then, I would like to be able to mix the final mix on a mixer and probably have the master line outs going to either an external recorder, or extra inputs I might have on the Echo.



Sooo? What's the problem? I only saw one flaw in your statement "running preamps into your board" Pre's amps go straight to the Echo and boards pre's can also be used and run to the echo? What you are describing is possible providing you have board that is flexable enough for the task. If your track count exceeds the outputs on your echo card or your board is not large enough you will have to send sub mixes to the board.

What's the hang up here? It sounds like you've got it pretty well figured out unless you have cabling or connection questions...

Well, I was very sure this was possible, and then for some reason I started doubting myself. Basically, I want to be able to utilize a mixer preamps, but then be able to externally mix tracks with plugins and editing already applied.
It's possible and you described it very well. I personally don't do it because your talking more trips though the preamps on your board and more trips through the a/d d/a converters of the echo card.

I personally would only do it if I had a slew of NICE outbord gear I wanted to use, but I do love the feel and zero latency of outbord eqing with a nice parametric. Just be sure your not going to be degrading your signal a ton in the process. The board would be a big concern to me, as with the quality of everything else in the chain. Echo has pretty nice converters so I wouldn't worry much about that.

Good Luck.
