Interesting latency issue


New member
We've all struggled with latency, and my copy of Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 is no different. Here's the odd thing though: after the first recording of a track, the second and all further tracks seem stretched out; at first in sync, then over time lagging behind. Yup, latency. Each track beyond the first is synced to each other, as far as I can tell; it's just that first track that's lagging.

So here's the thing. I'm pretty sure it's just the fact that there's no playback, therefore less latency, in the first track, but I was wondering if there was a way to sync the first track up to the rest of them. I've played with latency settings to no avail. Right now, I use a workaround by recording and muting a blank track in the first slot the full length of the song just to create equal latency in all of the real tracks.

So in the end, it's annoying but not life-threatening. Any way around this problem?
how are you recording? ASIO over firewire? PCMCIA? USB? oh, and how about adjusting your playback buffer size when you are recording?