Interesting Crackling During Playback.. (M-Audio Delta 66)


New member
This isn't exactly a huge problem, but during prolonged file transfer over AIM (between computers on a LAN.. maybe after a couple seconds, I haven't noticed it happen immediately after transfer starts) I get intermittent crackling and clicks in my output audio. I'm currently running the following shabby box:

2.2 Northwood
512 2100DDR RAM
2X200GB SEAGATE 7200 + 80GB WD80GB

Any ideas on where to start? This is somewhat bothering me
Interesting, I figured it was something like that... given that my transfers run around 5-6mbps that's a pretty reasonable explanation. I'll have to check out this powerstrip program. I figured it might be something to do with latencies so I changed the buffer sizes in my ASIO window.. but no dice. Hopefully Powerstrip cleans it up. Thanks!
I have some similar problem on my delta 66.
My DAW is standalone, I havent connect it to other comp and internet, when I open a project (I am using sonar4 PE) and record it long enough, the things I recorded will have click and pop sound. not only in playback!!

and if I start a new project and do the recording, the probolem will gone sometimes. (just sometimes!!)

do you guys have the same problem before??