Intelligent MIDI humanizer with real Heart and Soul


New member
Here is something that modifies MIDI tracks, resulting in an effect similar to that of groove templates, but with a groove that is always perfectly compatible with the music being worked on. It works by merging a lifeless sequence with your own feelings to achieve true humanization. There's a couple of videos of it in action on this site:
Note Toucher BTH1
The first one is a bit long because it contains a lot of explanation, but the second one quickly shows what it can do to monophonic bass and lead synth MIDI tracks.

The idea is to record the audio output from your synths back into an audio track, but when I use mine I record the output of the device to a new MIDI track so that I can still tweak it a bit.
Human MIDI controllers are the best way to accomplish this.

MIDI keyboards, MIDI drum pads, etc. . .

also, breath controllers and other such things are very helpful.
Sounds like an excuse for people with NO musical ability?

I wonder what da Vinci would make of the use of his 'arm' to illustrate the product.
Probably turn in his grave. ;)
Now there was a man with real talent.
Sounds like an excuse for people with NO musical ability?

Almost... A person would have to be completely devoid of any feel for music to sound bad using it! :) The first (lengthy) video says it's not really for keyboard players, but intended more for musicians who are focusing their energy on a different instrument, but still want to have good sounding keyboards tracks in their creations.

I must confess that I actually am a keyboard player though.:o I played in a rock/boogy/blues cover-band in the 80's but now I play baroque harpsichord. It takes me a fair while to learn a piece well enough to perform, so I have always relied on MIDI for keyboard parts in my studio (and paid drummers and guitarists). If I didn't cheat by re-performing MIDI tracks with the BTH1, I would take me too long to finish recording a song.
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