Integrating an ADAT into a digital audio/sequencing workstation


New member
I have a general question about Alesis ADATS. I use Cubase VST for all of my MIDI sequencing and digital audio recording. I am considering purchasing a used ADAT on Ebay. I always see them listed in the neighborhood of $400-$900. The owners are usually good about telling the potential customer about how many hours are on the machine roughly.

What I would like to know from you experienced ADAT users is this: how is it possible, or how is it possible for me to sync an ADAT to cubase so when I start recording in Cubase, the ADAT will start recording also at the same time?

I'm using a unitor8 midi interface if this helps.

Is this done via MIDI, or some other type of digital sync. This is where I get lost.

Bottom line guys clue me in how I can Integrate the ADAT in to my use of computer based sequencing, and how to use the ADAT for vocals then adding effects.

I'm having clients asking me about mixing down to ADAT and DAT.

Thanks in advance
Sync'ing is the other way around... it's the ADAT that drives the software - the s/w doesn't drive the ADAT....

You need an interface that allows ADAT Sync for sample-accurate sync'ing... I use an RME Hammerfall 9636 myself...