Instrumental Rock Project Needing Mixing Advice


New member
Hey guys I'm very new here and to recording in general so go easy with me!

My name is Simon and I recently started a instrumental rock (post rock?) project a while ago and have had some great feedback on my writing however I know that my mixing is not that great.

I havent really got any mixing experience at all. I've done some work at a local well established studio but it was purely setting up mics and getting things right before the mixing process.

So basically here is a track im currently working on

This is a very basic mix. All I have done is obviously panned all the instruments to utilise as much of the stereo field as possible, and then I've used some compressors and EQ's to do things like, take bass frequencies away from lead lines and add them to bass lines etc etc.

Im using Cubase 5 at the moment on my girlfriends laptop as my PC died a tragic death not too long ago.

For guitar recording im just doing it DI through a Line 6 UX1 (Not great for the tones I desire if I'm honest) and I use EZ drummer for the drums. On that track currently, the bass guitar is also midi, this will not stay this way, I have only just moved house and I havent got the bass here yet. Plus the lead line is going to be re recorded as I noticed some fret buzz on the higher notes which simply needs to go.

Basically, what I'm asking is this. What do you personally feel should be done to make this mix sound a little more polished before the mastering process?

Any advice at all would be really appreciated.

Many thanks

Thanks very much, Glad you liked it. I love Sigur Ros, definitely part of my inspiration. There are loads more on my soundcloud however this is the first I'm taking really seriously with regard to production. I brought the drums up and the difference is insane, thanks a lot for that. I used to put the drums way to far forward and it was something I really didnt like. I guess I pushed too far back after haha. Any other advice you could give? Also, on an unrelated note, do you know of anyway to add metadata (Artist, Songtitle, Album Art etc) to a .wav file? I couldnt see anywhere on the forum for it but I want to set up a bandcamp to help promote my stuff and I want to upload the track in .wav so that it can be downloaded in any format required.
O ok thanks I'll take a look. :)

Anybody have any criticisms or any other advice that could help me? I'm just not sure I'm going in the right direction or not.
Awesome, glad it helped! For all the data, typically you can do that with the mastering/cd burning programs. Something that happens en route to the duplicators or en route to the CD burner.

Thanks very much, Glad you liked it. I love Sigur Ros, definitely part of my inspiration. There are loads more on my soundcloud however this is the first I'm taking really seriously with regard to production. I brought the drums up and the difference is insane, thanks a lot for that. I used to put the drums way to far forward and it was something I really didnt like. I guess I pushed too far back after haha. Any other advice you could give? Also, on an unrelated note, do you know of anyway to add metadata (Artist, Songtitle, Album Art etc) to a .wav file? I couldnt see anywhere on the forum for it but I want to set up a bandcamp to help promote my stuff and I want to upload the track in .wav so that it can be downloaded in any format required.
Fair enough, but what about for online downloads? Basically I wanna put up the track as the first for my bandcamp and the first for the upcoming EP, but I wanna make it so that when people download it, it actually has track names and artists etc. I know how to do it for mp3's (except for album artwork) but its WAV files im struggling with.