Instrumental Guitar Rock


New member
Please check out this song I recorded. It's a straight forward Instrumental guitar tune. What do you think? Suggestions?

have you ever heard of a group called "the ventures"?
sounds like you're learning....
watch the timing.. [and stiffness to the feel]

welcome aboard

> sounds like you're learning....
> watch the timing.. [and stiffness to the feel]

You know the sad part is I started playing guitar 20 years ago. Geez, I feel old saying that. Anyway, I hadn't really picked up my guitar more than 10 times in the past 5 years until a month ago. My fingers were really mush when I started back up.

Anyway, I picked up a copy of Cakewalk's GuitarTrax Pro (my goodness this is cooler than my old Fostex X-15!!!) and I've been having a great time getting back into recording.

Any comments on guitar technique, recording technique, the mix or the song itself are great. If I get brave I'll post more.
