Instant Prefab Recording Studio!


New member
Well, not exactly...

This could be a cool idea (with some modifications) for an instant recording studio:

I wonder if these guys would consider coming up with something specifically for us recording artists. I don't know how big of a market we could be for them.
That's actually quite cool. I was thinking of actually buying a large shed kit and using that basically as a frame and float the walls and floor and basically turn it into a rehersal space/tracking room. Only problem, can't find one big enough to that would allow me to get a computer isolated in there.
those are some pretty swanky looking sheds. the sizes are kinda small, but it looks like you can get a custom made one. i'll bet they are pretty expensive.

Hard to really say how good the sound quality would be. From the very limited information of the site it would seem to be one layer of cement board, one layer of particle board and no insulation.

Kits for vocal booths have been around for some time. A complete kit for a box-in-a-box freestanding studio would be pretty expensive, but you could make it complete and remove a lot of the 'will it work' questions about home remodel studios it might have a market.
pouring a concrete slab, concrete block and framing are childsplay. However, these sheds look very good. Still, you can build a concrete block structure easily.