Installed Sonar 2.2 patch....

Still' Dreamin'

New member
Well I installed the latest patch just to try the ASIO support.
It works but....I don't think I know what I'm doing. (I have the Deta 66/Omni I/O set up and it is ASIO 1 and 2 capable).

With ASIO the first thing I noticed was a fast opening of a current audio project. But when I click on play it starts up with a horrible click/pop. (Uhg!) Also, I can open and run several pluggins while the audio runs without any dropouts. In addition, I can get the the M-Audio Delta control panel to open up just fine in Sonar.

The default drivers for Sonar seem to be MM-16 bit and overall work best with Delta/Omni without that click/pop. Now if only M-Audio would release a new patch for the Delta 66. Those A- holes have'nt done anything since early last year. Dame good card but terrible support.:rolleyes: