

New member
I'LL start work as FOH engineer in a church in Montreal.
I want to know what kind of audio tool I have to use to know accurately the church's acoustics features.
I want to do a complete analysis to know what I've to do .
I have a graphic equalizer, but I want to know if there a software or phisicak tool to do that.
thank a lot
The most important tool is your ears. You can run pink noise through the PA speakers and use a flat measurement mic hooked up to an RTA to tell you how the response is at the mic position.

Having data is great but how will that change the situation? Are you guys going to add treatment to the room? Even if you use a mic and RTA and try to EQ for a flatter response it will just change the response at the testing location and not for the rest of the room. An empty room will also give you different frequency curves than a room filled with people.

If you guys are going to spend some serious money on room treatments than I would hire someone to do it right. If you just want to try and improve the acoustics than just follow the normal principles. You can get a lot of info in the Studio Building forum on room acoustics and how to improve them.

I can tell you without even being there that you have problems with the low mids ;)

thanks a lot for your advices.
we try to get a best sound that we can do.
thanks a lot
you're rigth we've problems in the middle range.