info on a very basic version of cubase

Ok, I am going to assume from your post that you are against pirated software, which is good to admit. Normally, beginners who own nuendo get no help at all :) I would advise you stop using the pirated system you mentioned, and start again. It will be simpler, and often cracked versions are half broken anyway.

If you want to get started I would recommend Cubase Essential 4. This is the entry package. Its not part of the new generation of cubase, but it is half the price of the cheapest Cubase 5 product, which is definately what you want.

Along with this, read the quick start manual and if nessisary buy some tutorial books. Its a steep learning curve, but once you have got it, its incredibly easy.
Ok, I am going to assume from your post that you are against pirated software, which is good to admit. Normally, beginners who own nuendo get no help at all :) I would advise you stop using the pirated system you mentioned, and start again. It will be simpler, and often cracked versions are half broken anyway.

If you want to get started I would recommend Cubase Essential 4. This is the entry package. Its not part of the new generation of cubase, but it is half the price of the cheapest Cubase 5 product, which is definately what you want.

Along with this, read the quick start manual and if nessisary buy some tutorial books. Its a steep learning curve, but once you have got it, its incredibly easy.

thankyou. wow, you managed to read my post before I edited it into
oblivion :)

I felt the questions were clumsy and unclear. but you did well. kudos.

piracy, indeed. it is uncool. the stuff I have is from a friend who gave me
a PC that already had all the stuff on it. so, it is from original genuine
CD's....but it aint mine. and I can't get support, obviously. I din't pay
for it. so, out it goes. besides, the PC is deceased. some parts will
be cannibalized. but the HD's will be formatted and hence, I can claim
to be pure as the driven snow and all that manure.

I'm not of course, but I don't support piracy. not a bit of it. so then,
Cubase Essential 4. right then. I have something to study now.
steep learning curve ya say......yikes. well, nothing worthwhile is ever easy
I guess. thanks. please post back and I will do the same.
