Infamous Two Seconds


New member
So I was just sorta/kinda wondering something...
You know when you use software to create a cd out of audio files. And you know how they always put that blasted two seconds between tracks. And you know how sometimes you don't nescessarily want that. Well, my question is how do you get rid of such a nuisance?
You buy software that's more expensive than mine. I use Adaptec Easy CD Creator, which inserts that automatic 2-second gap between songs, and I can't change it. More expensive software, however, gives you the option of determing how much (if any) time/silence there is between two songs. I don't know which programs do this, but somebody here will, just wait and see.
Never Say Never!

Taken from the Help File of Adaptec EZ CD Creator (v3.5a):

"Eliminating the Two Second Gap Between Tracks

To prevent the two second gap from occurring between audio tracks, you can record sound files stored on your hard drive to a blank CD using the disc-at-once option. When creating the CD, select Disc-at-Once in the CD Creation Advanced tab."
Aw shucks guys, Adaptec is what I got too, but I'm gonna check out what drstawl said--thanks much!!!
Absoluty you can eliminate it. Just select "disc at once" and no more of that shit. :D
On a CD/DVD-course I got in this company (we design chips for cd/dvd applications), they told me why this was... Some standard-thingy because something... But I don't remember it anymore... Oh well...

Anyway, the 2 sec aren't needed when writing the disc at once, as the doc said.
Uhm, toss that Adaptec crap and use Nero (or something else). I've never had so many shiny coasters as when I used EZ CD creator.

Adaptec, I fart in your general direction.

Shiny coasters? Dude, have you ever tried microwaving a cd it's fucking amazing! I think an article by Dave Bary brought this to my attention. Anybody know about anything I'm talking about?
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