included computer mic usage


New member
very simple question, I considered putting it in the newbie forum (as I am a huge newbie) but it seemed to fit better here:

Lately I have been practicing vocals using my included mic that came with my computer. ( something like that)

During playback the recording has all kinds of 'sss', 'pffff', and other similar mouth gesture noises (in a very roomy feel of the whole area) that you don't hear on professional CD's. My question: is the cheap, bottom of the line mic causing these noises to come through? would a pro singer hear similar noises if they recorded through this setup?

I just want to know so I know if its my singing or just a poor mic.
and by the way, I NEVER considered using this mic on real released recordings.. its just for simple practice.
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ItzCashew said:
Well u need to know how to mix to cuz a good mix is what might mask it up.
what the fuck?

no. not at all. your wrong.

when you hear a lot of 'pf' and 'pa' and 'ba', its because there is no pop filter. it has nothing to do with mixing skills.

most mics are sensitive to those sounds, but condesnors more so. computer mics are way worse too. try backing up away from the mic a little more, and do a search for pop filters here, some guys have some DIY pop filters. let us know how you make out.

mixing skills.. ha... and you have them? i'd bet, lets hear some work.
Not what i mean by that lol why are you so hostile?

But yeah like use Noise Reduction thats kinda what i meant.
But if u cant get a pop filter make one out of panty hose and a wire hanger.
Pop filters help on plosives or pop sounds.
A deesser helps on ssss sounds.
What helps the most is altering your vocal technique to minimize these sounds.
thank you for all the replies. I will be sure to use a pop filter when I record real takes in the next few months! and also practice to keep these sounds to a minimal