In the past two weeks...

I've recorded a few songs, but i'll only bother you guys with three. two of which don't have vocals yet. i mixed pretty quickly just to give a friend of mine who has better ears and gear for mixing an idea of what i want this stuff to sound like. Anyway..

Circle - this is the only one with vocals and it's kind of a strange song as far as mixing goes.

perfect plan - i've recorded this song before it's on my soundclick page. i think this version is better especially the drum performance (different drummer)

'round here -

**there's a few seconds of silence before each song
'Round Here is my fave. It's a showcase of your strongest skills; a great mix, and effective applications for the sounds and playing that are you. The playin' is tight, and the guitar solo style works real well on that 'alt-ish' stain you got there.

I went back and gave your other tunes a listen. i like 'By a Bar', 'Bedlam', and 'Young Love'.

Your best work is that sort of 'Billy Idol' kind of groove. The mixes and sounds on those three were really good. And your soloing and composition click to that beat.

Why the long silences on the files?? Curious. Raw mixes?? No editing?
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thanks for the input jeff. round here is probably the most straight forward of the three. Probably the easiest to mix. i'd like to know what your thoughts are for Circle. that one has alot of meshing guitar parts and alot of different tones and big toms. i'm wondering if anyone thinks it clashes too much? But i guess it's a song that's meant to sound a bit different....idk...

oh yeah the silence was just for timing purposes to know when the song starts. i didn't edit just in case i wanted to retrack anything. it is a semi rough mix.
Circle. The reason I don't find it appealing is because the heavy figure:

Bomp.......bompBomp/ bomp....bompBomp/ bomp.....bompBomp/

never gives way to a flowing style of time on the drums. It just never gets off the ground and flies....or chugs at 60 mph down the track. It sounds unceasingly a train leaving the station..and never getting to speed. Like an intro that never ends. If I had my way with it, I send it off with 2/4 on the snare and hats playing eighths...while keeping the basic figure in the bass drum and bass guitar. At least. Maybe add to the bass' contribution. If I had to move my body to the beat, it'd be ok for a while...stiff. By my body wants to rebound and cycle with a flow of time after a short while. Habit...or human genetic inclinations? The heavy figure doesn't satisfy that want.

All the warp and woof of the guitar parts would rest comfortably on the flow of time in the bottom, I think.

Helpful? D'ya hate me? :^)
Ohh! OOH!

Thought of a perfect example to illustrate my point:

Beetoven's fifth symphony:



And it skeedadaddles off......

Circle is like a three-minute version of the fifth playing only the intro....

The effectiveness is lost if it keeps plodding on. But it rings in the ears of billions, because Ludwig never allowed it to become unremarkable.
no i get what you mean it's definitely not a danceable tune or even catchy in the pop sensibilities that i think most people are use to, but i think that's why i like it. haha. i like how it kicks into gear at the very end and ends abrubtly leaving only a soundscape of sorts for the outro. This is all probably because i wrote it that i like it. haha. it probably sucks ass.

i don't hate you one bit jeff :)
Listened to Circle, very "Cure" - like.
I thought it was pretty good on the whole. Distorted guitars might be a bit too brittle and the voice could maybe be a little clearer. Nice and wierd!

Joey :):):):)
Circle - yeah some Cure in the vocals, melody & rhythm guitar of the intro.
The extra guitar is too loud for that though.
I saw them on their 1st tour to Australia sometime not long after the 1st LP.
Your vocals come across thinly - have you put a mega hi pass on it or something? Either thant or it's been ripped off by the guitar & bass.
Good song though - look forward to the remix.
i think i put too much compression on the vocals and that's why the life has been sucked out them. i think with lighter compression they should sound better. Rayc you're right about the guitar being too loud. i'll bring it down a smidgen. i think the kick and bass need to come a bit now that i'm listening to it again. i kinda like the brittle sound of the distorted guitars.