In Ear Monitoring


Detachable Member
Any drum type folks around here use IEM's for studio or live work? I have been using a pair of Future Sonic M5's ( and while I much prefer them to headphones, they just feel like glorified ear buds and they don't stay in place for more then a song or so.

When I see musicians perform live they have these Secret Service looking ear pieces for monitoring, who makes those? I would assume that they are probably by a company like Shure, but I don't know.

I'm looking for some ideas on different IEM's to consider before I throw out another couple (or several) hundred bucks on a set for use live, during rehearsal, and maybe even in the studio.
I haven't tried mine drumming yet, but I recently switched to IEM in an effort to hear myself better. I'm still getting things worked out, but it's definitely helped my singing.

I bought and entry level wireless as I didn't want to dump a grand into it without knowing how it would work or if I'd like it. It came with cheap ear bud type setup, even worse than yours. I picked up a set of Universal Fit ear buds from Westone. I'm also broke right now so I couldn't afford the ones I wanted, but settled for the entry/budget level Westone UM-1. Just over $100 brand new on Ebay. They come with varying sized foam inserts, and work great. The UM-2 and UM-3 are higher fidelity, and something I will eventually upgrade too.

My review. I use the longer inserts, they do a great job of blocking out the "live" sound, and sound pretty darn good for a single driver. They're comfortable too. I hear things great without a ton of volume. I'm more disappointed in the rest of my wireless setup now as these things point out the extra hiss and distortion added from the wireless. With the UM series, you can later go to an audiologist, and have a set if custom formed ear inserts made that the UM with "plug into." that usually costs about $100 - $150 to have those made.

If you want to go all out, You can simply start out with custom formed ear inserts from Westone. I have to imagine these would start around at least $300 and go up from there depending on the driver you want. BUT... that is gong to be the secret service looking things you see in everyone's ear when watching live performances on TV. I have a set of their musicians plugs and love 'em to death for live shows. Best $150 I've spent in a long time.