Improve my substandard web site

mjr said:
That's the hard part with marketing yourself, especially on sites like NoWhereRadio and SoundClick. Unless people are going there and playing your music, you won't be "seen".

One thing you might want to consider, to kind of get your name out, is come up with a nice little piece of text, explaining who you are, what kind of music you play, and that you have sample audio available. Almost like a press release. Then visit other music-related bulletin boards, newsgroups, etc. and put that information there. Come up with a good, solid signature for yourself, something like:

Harrison Weber (or whatever you go by)
Acoustic Music for the Independent Mind, Body, and Heart.
Samples At:

and be sure to include that in every post you make. Make that "Acoustic Music..." phrase your catch phrase. Use it anywhere and everywhere you post (well, in relevant, music related posts).

If you have an email address you're primarily going to be using for your music contacts, you will definitely want to include your signature in it.

Sweet idea man, thanks so much!
but what exactly did you mean when you said music-related bulletin boads?
As far as online goes, did you mean somthing similar to forum posts?

I can deffidently see the benefits of printing it as a flier, and all of that.

hrwmusic said:
Sweet idea man, thanks so much!
but what exactly did you mean when you said music-related bulletin boads?
As far as online goes, did you mean somthing similar to forum posts?

I can deffidently see the benefits of printing it as a flier, and all of that.


Music related bulletin boards...well, This is more of a message board, but this would definitely qualify.

Google Groups would also be a good place. Basically, any place that's a message board, bulletin board, or newsgroup that's music related. Anytime you post, make sure you leave your signature.
mjr said:
Music related bulletin boards...well, This is more of a message board, but this would definitely qualify.

Google Groups would also be a good place. Basically, any place that's a message board, bulletin board, or newsgroup that's music related. Anytime you post, make sure you leave your signature.
yeah thats what i was thinking you meant,

i'll make sure i have a finalized signiture and put it to use when ever im in google
groups or anything!
hrwmusic said:
I made alot of changes that I'm not quite sure if i like:

The Intro page is gone, and im also starting to embrace myspace more.

Its alot different, and I'm hoping to bring it into "life."

does anyone have any tips for that?

Much better! Good work! The only suggestion I'd make at first glance is to do one of two things:

1. Completely remove the image named collage31-medium.jpg
2. Put the image collage31-medium.jpg somewhere else.
mjr said:
Much better! Good work! The only suggestion I'd make at first glance is to do one of two things:

1. Completely remove the image named collage31-medium.jpg
2. Put the image collage31-medium.jpg somewhere else.

Hey...great work on your site. It's come a long way since you first posted.

Good luck in the future with your music.