Important question about levels...

tommy mas

New member
I'm confused, when i mix down on my monitors (event tr5) the beats and vocals (hip hop) sound very good and crisp when the master volume level (acid pro 4.0) is set a 0 db and the peaks are around 4.5-5.5 in the red..

I hope this isnt confusing how i said it, but when I burn these tracks down to a CD they sound great but are not that loud and need to be turned up sig. more than a normal cd...

What would you guys suggest doing ? I turned the levels up so that the master meter was in the red around 8-9 db and on the moniotrs it sounded a little distorted and not that good, but when I burned to cd it was much louder but didnt sound as good...
Hope someone can help, have a great night...
If anyone wants to take a listen to some of the music its in the Music section of