Impedence Question....


New member
Just a quick question, I will be recieving my Peavey Firebass 700 amp through the mail soon as well as a 4 Ohm 4x10 cab. I know I will be soon be 1x15 or 1x18 cab. The one I want is rated at 8 Ohms. My users manual for the peavey says that the minimum load is 2 Ohms and the speaker jacks are in paralell. Will it hurt my transformer if I use the 4 ohm cab and the 8 ohm cab together?
I wish I could help ya, cjx.
Oh, wait.
Look out there. ---------------------------------->
Here comes a Roadie!!!!! He'll know.
Your impedance will be 1/a+1/b=1/t...a and b being the cabinets and t being the total impedance. In your case 2.67 ohms. You should be OK if your amp can do 2 ohms. A two channel amp (especially with a built in x-over) would be better and give you more control over what frequencies and how much goes to each cabinet.