Imogen Heap Vocal Effect Question


New member
Hi @ll!

Does anyone know what for an effect has been used in Imogen Heap track called Hide And Seek?

It must be some smart circuitry, but is it a dedicated plug-in or a more advanced mixing trick?

Tell Your ideas, folks!

I read somewhere that she recorded each part individually. Everyone wants to find out the golden plug-in to get that amazing sound, but from the research I have done, it was all her. But you have to assume they used auto-tune on certain parts. I just used google so YMMV in finding an answer.
Just gave a quick listen. Sounds like some pretty serious pitch shifting and a leslie simulator.
I'll be "that guy"

Wikipedia said:
The song is performed with the sole accompaniment being the sound produced by a harmonizer (vocoder) (DigiTech Vocalist Workstation), creating an altered a cappella sound.