"Immerse" mix opinions


New member
I finished up(i think) this tune this weekend. I'd like some feedback on the mix and the tune in general. I tryed some new stuff recording guitars,..but,..I dunno,..I'm not sure I like 'em. I need some fresh ears to take a listen.
I had some fun with sound effects in the beginning of the tune.
I would categorize this as rock,..or some form thereof.
Any help/feedback is appreciated,..I take criticism very well.


Take 'er easy,..
good tune! parts of those vocals reminded me of early Nirvana.. drums sound very roomy.. too roomy imop.. and not as crisp as the guitars.. the guitars could have less distortion.. very good song! the intro is way too loud.. you should lower it a lot so the when the music kicks in it will kick me in the face.. or dump the intro altogether.. really dig this tune!! reminds me of old Nirvana but the guitar sound is more metal.. gets a little bottom heavy at times.. less distortion would have helped a lot.. great song..
Thanks for the quick reply man. Yeah,... I agree they have too much distortion. This is prolly the best drum sound I've gotten to date but your right,..they are not crisp,..a little dull. I like the roomy sound though.
Glad you like the tune and thanks alot for the feedback. It helps!!

Take 'er easy,...
I do like the tune. And agree...the intro is loud. And long. I like the guitars, but maybe they could be put back in the mix a bit. They seem to hide the drums and vox a bit. (I am very guilty of this to hide my vocal flaws...).

Yeah, almost a mixture of Nirvana, with some Tool elements.

Nice tune man.
yeah probably just dropping the volume of the guitars a bit would help a lot.. maybe eq a slight cut of that little bit of woof during some of the chuggin parts like @2:05.. lower the toms a hair too if you do that.. cut or dump or drastically lower in volume that intro imop.. definitely a good tune!
Wow! Nice tune. I love the distortion on the guitars, but as others have stated, you need to bring the guitars down in the mix. The vocals and drums ought to stand out a bit more. The snare needs a bit more punch, but again it might be the guitars drowning it out. IMHO, as I am just a beginner.
Thanks again B.Sabbath for the comments. The intro really was just too set the mood of the tune. I've never done that before and kind of got carried away. I agree though that it could use some taming volume wise. I'm thinking about tracking the guitars again with a bit less dist. and some more midrange. The more I listen to it,..the more they bug me.

Thanks for the listen Dogman. I'm not sure that I do that on purpose or not,..try to hide my vocal tracks. If I have elements of those 2 bands,..i'm on a good track. Glad you liked it.

Thanks for commenting fastprof. Whether your a beginner or not doesnt matter to me at all. Anyone with a set of ears can tell you what they like and dont like about a recording. Thanks very much for listening,..and I agree,..the snare needs to punch through better.

Anyone else have some comments?

Take 'er easy,...