I'm writing a dog song!!

trucker dave

New member
It's called "My dog thinks i'm god" You see there's a definite connection there that a good songwriter could really build on. You know god is dog spelled backwards, right? God.....dog......god.....dog. Get it?Every good songwriter needs a couple of dog songs in thier repertioire........ Nashville really needs something like this. Those drinking cheatin' songs are getting old.......They say they are going to let me out in a few months if the medication keeps working. They are really nice here you know, and the food is good too. Especially on wednesdays, that's hamburger steak day with jello for dessert....... god.....dog....god.....dog
Trucker Dave...Has a Dog...Dog spelled backwards is God..
Oh!!!..This is David Berkowitz, Son Of Sam..
Call off your dog, quick!!!
oh wow.....turd spelled backwards is drut....and "ono" spelled backwards is.....(drumroll with reverb and just a smidge of compression)..."ONO"!!!!!...and cancer is man made.....and twinkies and ketchup go pretty good together after all...oh jeeze kool-aid has pretty colors...oh my god brian eno's last name spelled backwards is "ONE"...it's a SIGN....a SIGN I tell you, just like that potato chip that looks like the virgin mary with a beard...no wait, it's jesus....silly me, the virgin mary didn't have a beard.....no, wait...if she DID have a beard...maybe the government has kept it from us, like they did when Kennedy didn't really die and is still a blow job vegetable for the secret democrats that meet every thursday in the hidden back room at starbucks......but anyway, I ramble...we must always remember that "is" spelled backwards is "si"......so........si ya later....gibs