I'm ready for some football.

I feel like the Tigers have more momentum coming into this game, also they've been playing better. Bama better step it up if they want to come out alive.
I feel like the Tigers have more momentum coming into this game, also they've been playing better. Bama better step it up if they want to come out alive.

There is only one team that has shown consistent immunity to the intimidation of playing on saturday night in Tiger Stadium.....and that team is Alabama. Most teams fall apart in Tiger Stadium. The place really is hell for visiting teams. You can literally see the awe on opposing players' faces and in their body language. It doesn't seem to bother Bama though.

But so far the noise seems to be really bothering Bama's offense.
Fucking hell. We had this game won three times in less than 2 minutes and we clusterfucked it away with boneheaded penalties and bad decisions.
Fucking hell. We had this game won three times in less than 2 minutes and we clusterfucked it away with boneheaded penalties and bad decisions.


bad play calling and some crappy time management too ........ should have won it.

That sucks.


bad play calling and some crappy time management too ........ should have won it.

That sucks.

I didn't see it that way. What did you think was bad play calling or bad time management? I thought Cam/Les mixed in some really nice plays that got fucked by dropped passes and bad QB throws. Obviously we're gonna run it up the gut all day and night long, but the big pass attempts were there. They just didn't work. As for time management we took the lead with 50 seconds left and no time outs for Bama. That's pretty good.....until you send the kickoff out of bounds and set up Bama for a short field to get into game-tying FG range. LSU's defense played outstanding until that final fucking drive. Neither team involved any spectacular coaching/play calling. It was just a slugfest. Bama and LSU are mirror images of each other. Strong runs, strong defense, very good off/def lines, good receivers, baaaaad quarterbacks. Their QB is bad, but he's slightly less bad than ours, and they had less stupid penalties, so they won. That was my take on it. :(

Bama just isn't intimidated by LSU in Death Valley. If it were literally any other team I'm certain we would have won tonight in that environment.
all that stuff goes back to coaching.

And he was too conservative when he was in field goal range. Let's run it the same place that gained nothing last play ....
And the squib kick was dumb ....... put it in the endzone and make 'em come out at the 20 ...... also what was with the lack of any real attempt to get a first down in OT? It was like, we're gonna take four shots at the endzone.
Sorry, I know we disagree about this but I think he's a good recruiter but a shit coach. But his recruiting gets him talent that makes him look like a decent coach.
He's not going anywhere but you can bet the sports talk call-in lines are burning right now. I almost dialed it up on the 'puter so I could hear the incoherant rants!
all that stuff goes back to coaching

Not all of it. I don't think any coaches told that kicker to send the ball out of bounds. That was a killer. He choked. The personal foul that took us off the 2 yd line was chintzy at best. That's not coaching. The Bama player flopped and he sold the call. That was a killer. We surely would have scored a TD there which would have probably sealed the game. I did hate the play calling in overtime. I agree with you in that instance. Four straight passes that all fell incomplete. Game over. We live and die by the run and we have a terrible QB, but they wanna get pass happy in that scenario? That was bad.
I said it last year and will continue to say it: as long as Les is head coach LSU will never win another championship! He's not a real head coach! He inherited a championship from Saban. And that one is the last one he'll ever get. But like you explained to me last year: who in their right mind would fire a guy that wins nine or ten games year, year in and year out? And who could they get? Just a bad situation for LSU.
I said it last year and will continue to say it: as long as Les is head coach LSU will never win another championship! He's not a real head coach! He inherited a championship from Saban. And that one is the last one he'll ever get. But like you explained to me last year: who in their right mind would fire a guy that wins nine or ten games year, year in and year out? And who could they get? Just a bad situation for LSU.

of course no one TOLD the guy to kick it out of bounds ..... but as coach you're supposed to know your kicker's skills and what he can't do well.

I have said it before and I'l;l say it again (and I'll be thrilled if I'm wrong) ... Mile will never win another National Championship.
The kicker boots the ball out the back of the end zone every time. The coaching staff is supposed to know that he's gonna flub one at the worst possible time? That potential is there for ANY kicker. Was the coaching staff supposed to know that an o-lineman was gonna get a personal foul call? Some things can easily be blamed on coaching. A kicker and offensive lineman making bonehead mistakes is not among them.
The kicker boots the ball out the back of the end zone every time. The coaching staff is supposed to know that he's gonna flub one at the worst possible time? .

he didn't flub a kick meant to go out of the endzone ..... he flubbed a squib kick. If he'd booted it outta the endzone things would have been fine ..... I fail to see what advantage the squib kick had ...... just boot it like the others and make them go from the 20.

Again, he did NOT flub a regular kick .... he was told to squib kick it and flubbed that.
To squib kick it was a coaching decision ..... it made no sense unless the kicker suddenly couldn't kick a regular kick off because of injury which wasn't the case.

Sorry ...... I'm not quite sure why you defend Miles so strongly but he regularly makes bad decisions, from play-calling to time management.
He's a competent coach but not a great one ..... when he wins another championship feel free to give me a super hard time about it .............. but I'll be dead before that happens!

Gotta go ..... early gig today ..... wheeee!!
I'm not defending Miles for this game. I'm simply not bashing him for every little thing that he doesn't actually control. A squib kick is the right play in that situation. Kick it on the ground. Hope for a fumble, or one of the less athletic up-guys getting it. And it runs clock. Pro coaches and players do it all the time. That's the right play in that situation. So the right play was called, and it was executed poorly. That's on the kicker, not on the coaches.

I don't disagree that Miles has made boneheaded decisions. It just didn't happen in this game. He's also made some very clever gambles and they usually pay off. So the rage and hatred from Miles bashers always blinds objectivity. And you guys need to get over the championship thing. Of course I'd love to win a championship every year. But no one actually does it. The Saban comparisons are silly. No one else is Nick Saban. Keep it in perspective. In 100+ years LSU has won 3 national championships. It's not like Les Miles has killed a dynasty. Miles is on par with guys like Urban Meyer, Bob Stoops, Mark Richt - long tenured coaches that have had success but not all the time. You know, like regular good coaches. ANY program in college football would kill their cheerleaders for the numbers and success Miles has had at LSU. We've enjoyed a great deal of success and national attention under Miles. The 90s were bleak! Saban built it up in the early 2000s, and Miles is keeping it going. He hasn't ruined it. His numbers have been fantastic. I don't see any reason to hate him for that. Look at the alternatives. How's Florida doing? Where's Tennessee?

Think what you want, but I think yall got it wrong. Here's a valid reason to bash Les Miles - The fucker can't recruit a quarterback. He fills the NFL with every other position, but he cannot find a QB. Bash him for that, because with even a mediocre QB we'd be national champions every fucking year.....with Les Miles as head coach.
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