I'm ready for some football.

I'm trying to reserve judgment until at least halfway through the season. He has no margin for error, though. He has come in swinging a big stick and he better produce a playoff team immediately after pulling all this shit that no one can make heads or tails of.

I'm struggling to see how any Eagles fan could be optimistic at all. From an outside neutral perspective, I'm like WTF is that dumb fat fuck doing to that team? Guess what Chipper, the NFL is not college, and your Oregon Ducks never won shit anyway.
I'm struggling to see how any Eagles fan could be optimistic at all. From an outside neutral perspective, I'm like WTF is that dumb fat fuck doing to that team? Guess what Chipper, the NFL is not college, and your Oregon Ducks never won shit anyway.

Oh, make no mistake, I'm not optimistic. Steve Spurrier proved that the NFL isn't college years ago, which is why I didn't even think they should have gotten rid of Reid a few years ago if the alternative was to get the "hot college coach who has a particular 'system'". I prefer the other fat fuck. This one seems to be more of a megalomaniac.
If those balls were inflated to the acceptable minimum at room temp, taking them out to a 20 degree day will drop the pressure below the minimum. It's simple science.

The Colts balls were about 40 yards away from the Pats. Did the Colt balls register a reading under the PSI rule?

Brady is on record saying he prefers an under inflated ball. As long as Brady believed the balls were doctored to his liking, it becomes as much a psychological advantage as a physical one. In championship games 'usually' the margin between the teams is small, any edge real or perceived is gold.

I wish I knew the back story on Goodell and the Saints. I long for the day Goodell steps in it and is shown the door.
The Colts balls were about 40 yards away from the Pats. Did the Colt balls register a reading under the PSI rule?
I don't know, but suppose the Colts balls were inflated to the max, or inflated outside in the cold. A ball inflated to the max might still fall within the limits when subjected to the colder temps. If it's inflated in that cold, then it will pass no problem.

Brady is on record saying he prefers an under inflated ball. As long as Brady believed the balls were doctored to his liking, it becomes as much a psychological advantage as a physical one. In championship games 'usually' the margin between the teams is small, any edge real or perceived is gold.
I bet all QBs prefer a softer ball. I'm not saying he didn't have those balls deflated, but there are logical explanations that go beyond blatant cheating. And just for me, in my opinion, I don't think an under-inflated football is going to matter. Brady thinking his softer football gives him an edge is no different than any other superstitions most pro athletes have.

I wish I knew the back story on Goodell and the Saints. I long for the day Goodell steps in it and is shown the door.
Goodell is a piece of shit.
The most surprising element is the monetary exchange between Brady and the equipment guys. Not cash, but items easily converted to cash.

This is where the precedent involving the Saints and Goodell may be compared to the Pats. Everyone was supposedly upset the Saints offered cash as an incentive for players to do things outside the boundary of 'sportsmanship and fair play'.

Goodell is nothing more than a 21st century politician with no core beliefs or backbone, interested only in gauging the winds and holding onto his position. Or as Greg correctly stated, a piece of shit.
According to ESPN, the report said something along the lines of, "The 11 balls produced by the Patriots were measured at 12.5 PSI (which is apparently the NFL minimum) before kickoff. At halftime, all 11 of those balls were under 12.5 PSI."

Well, how much under 12.5, for Christ's sake? Were they at 12.44? Were they at 11.2? Was the difference small enough that the low temperature could have accounted for the loss in pressure? Did the report actually omit this info? Seems like it might be important enough to mention.
The most surprising element is the monetary exchange between Brady and the equipment guys. Not cash, but items easily converted to cash.
That's totally normal though. It's not uncommon for pro players to give gifts and souvenirs - or bribes - to lowly team employees. What's a couple pairs of shoes to Tom Brady? Baseball players will regularly send the bat boy out to get a pizza or something with a hundred dollar bill and tell him to keep the change. It certainly can look suspicious, but it's not always a dirty play.

According to ESPN, the report said something along the lines of, "The 11 balls produced by the Patriots were measured at 12.5 PSI (which is apparently the NFL minimum) before kickoff. At halftime, all 11 of those balls were under 12.5 PSI."

Well, how much under 12.5, for Christ's sake? Were they at 12.44? Were they at 11.2? Was the difference small enough that the low temperature could have accounted for the loss in pressure? Did the report actually omit this info? Seems like it might be important enough to mention.

The question is "why didn't the Colts balls deflate the same amount?" The Pats balls were all found to be in the 11s and high 10s PSI. 12.5 PSI is the minimum. This chart shows what pressure does related to temp. Going from a 70 degree locker room to 20-30 degrees outside yields about a 2 PSI drop on average. But it doesn't explain why the Colts balls were still in range.


This chart supposedly shows where balls measured at halftime.


If this chart's numbers are true, then the Pats balls dropped an expected amount in PSI due to the cold. But the Colts balls stayed in range. Why didn't the Colts balls drop? Lol.
Thanks for the chart of the halftime measurements... I wasn't aware this info was made available to the public. I think the Colts had their balls inflated to the higher end of the legal range to begin with at the beginning of the game... I think I saw 13.5 on Sportscenter, but it might have been 13. That would explain some of the difference. Maybe they had an O-lineman sitting on them like a hen.

The text messages between the two dolts are what make me think Brady is lying, but the NFL using them as a basis to actually mete out punishment to Brady is what is ridiculous. I hope he files a grievance. It would be funny if this one gets shoved right back up Goddell's ass.
I've read that 3 of the 4 Colts balls that were tested were also under the minimum, but just barely. That chart is probably correct.
The whole thing is just a clusterfuck over something small and stupid. At least it has been providing a small amount of football-related entertainment while we wait for the college season to start.
I'm shocked that they're considering suspending Brady, that would flat out kill the Patriots season. I don't know if this tarnishes his career, myself I really don't care.
I'm shocked that they're considering suspending Brady, that would flat out kill the Patriots season. I don't know if this tarnishes his career, myself I really don't care.

Goodell doesn't care about killing a team's season. Would he kill a golden darling team like the Pats? I don't know. But he clearly doesn't mind killing a team's season.
Those fuckers don't know what they've done! Now they've unleashed Jimmy Garoppolo on the league!

The last thing the Patties need is a chip on their shoulder. They'll probably start 0-4, then peel off 12 wins in a row, winning by an average margin of 50 pts on the way to another superbowl.
The last thing the Patties need is a chip on their shoulder. They'll probably start 0-4, then peel off 12 wins in a row, winning by an average margin of 50 pts on the way to another superbowl.

They've handled a minor situation badly, and deserve some sanction, but the scenario you describe is probably quite accurate.
As a separate issue, this is just another black mark on Goodels's horrible regime. He really is a fucking moron!
Get videotaped punching out your girlfriend get a two game suspension.
Get accused of deflating game balls get a four game suspension.

The league has an integrity issue but Brady and the Patriots haven't caused it.
Get videotaped punching out your girlfriend get a two game suspension.
Get accused of deflating game balls get a four game suspension.

The league has an integrity issue but Brady and the Patriots haven't caused it.

Yup. Allegedly deflating balls is the same as a failed PED/drug test, but not as bad as knocking your wife out in public?

And suppose Brady did actually cheat. That's not worse than the alleged Saints "bounty"? Goodell killed our entire season, and the Saints didn't even actually cheat.