I'm looking to buy a br-1200cd for music production only


New member
I'm not doing vocals or no live instruments, just trying to make beats from my yamaha motif. I wanted to know if there is a way u can make a full song by sections at a time? like ,,intro, verse, chourus, bridge etc; ...on my motif there is a feature called pattern chain and it's used to make songs by sections...u press button a for intro,,,button b for verse,,,button c for chourus and so on a so on...Does the roland br 1200cd has a feature similar to that? I would love to use my motif for production and to record but it lacks when it comes to mixing and mastering, well atleast the motif classic does which i have...

Any help would be greatly appreciated...
You can program your own drum patterns in the BR-1200, you can pick pre-programmed intros, drum fills, outros and all that. Then you tie them together in the order you want to make a song so to speak. Also, additional drum cd libraries are available for it. After or before, you pick the type of drum set also you want for it, jazz types, rock, 808's. Check out the bossus.com website, some of the guys in this forum (Roland thread here) use the drums from their BR1600 which are all the same and you can see what kind of results they get applying them.
You might want to consider one of the smaller BR studios if you don't need all those tracks for instruments. There's the 1180 which is an 8 track instead, the BR-900, 600 and there's a Micro BR out now but I don't know anything about it.
Thanks Alot!

I'm not using drums from my br-1200 to make patterns...I'm using just the sounds from the motif keyboard only...How would i tie the sections up to make a complete song in this case?
Do you mean like laying a couple of measures down, and then using the cut and paste function to keep building your song? That's possible too if that's what you mean.