I'm going to wack my mixer with a bat


New member
I run all of my gear through a Behringer 1604A. It has two effects send/returns in which I have a chorus and delay. When I run something without effects, I only hear it on the right; it won't appear on the left until I add effects. I don't want the effects on certain things, but I still want to hear them on both sides. I don't understand what's causing this or how to stop it. Please somebody help me Please.
My apologies in advance if this is too obvious...but are you familiar with the board and is the "Pan" pot centered? If you know this stuff, again my apologies, but this could be a newbie error...

I don't mean to insult your intelligence, but... are you using a "Y" cable to your effects processor? The effect send on that mixer (and most others that I'm aware of) is stereo. If you just use a regular patch cord from the "send" to the mixer, you'll only get sound on one side.

This is the only thing I can think of that would cause that problem. If that's the problem you can get a "Y" cable from your local music store. It has a stereo (TRS) 1/4 inch plug to two mono 1/4 inch plugs (Tip and Ring, respectively). The stereo plug goes into the AUX/EFX Send and the two mono plugs go into the left and right side of the EFX processor.

If you're using a MONO EFX processor, then you'll need an adapter (from Radio Shack) that changes a 1/4 inch stereo phono plug to a 1/4 inch mono plug. You'll also need another adapter that changes a mono 1/4 inch signal into two mono signals (this is because the EFX returns on that mixer is left and right, so you need signal on both sides-- even in mono).

If none of this is your problem, then... go ahead and whack the mixer upside the head!

I hope this helps.

Rev E

[This message has been edited by Rev E (edited 04-28-2000).]

I did some reading up on this mixer. The send is Mono. I think I said they were stereo. So you'll need a "Y" adapter that splits a 1/4 inch mono signal into two 1/4 inch mono signals. You should still be able to find this connection at the music store or radio shack.

Rev E
This is all fine and good -thanks- but the panpot is centered and I have the effects off for that channel, so shouldn't the instrument be on both sides despite the setting of the effects boxes? I want the instrument clean on both sides while other instrument use the effects. Considering the year, this should be possible.
Yeah, it sure should be possible. Is it just one channel or all of them? If it's one, have you tried repatching it into another channel? Sorry for insulting the ol' intelligence.
Let me be sure I understand the problem--if you run a signal any channel, assign it to your main outputs (L-R), centre the pan pot, and make sure both L-R main faders are up, no effects, you only get one side? And if you send effects from that channel, you hear both sides? (I'm assuming you're using your FX returns not channels to return your FX.)

What happens when you solo--pre and post (your mixer does both)? Do you get the full signal then?

Does this problem occur in mono as well as stereo channels? If only stereo channels, are you using the left or right input (assuming a mono input)?--(should be the leftone).

What happens if you assign your channel to the ALT 3-4 bus--do you get both sides then? If so, what happens if you assign ALT 3-4 to the main L-R bus? Does it go back to one side?

Let us know what you find after all of this...if you haven't tried it already.

Or the old whack with the stick...your call.
One other thing--if you turn down the FX on the return side does the original signal (ie the sending channel) go back to one side? In other words, is it just the effected return that makes it sound like you're getting the original signal on both sides?

If you run a signal your same signal into the FX return not a channel, does it give you both sides?

Finally, if you dance in circles with a soup pan on your head chanting (backwards) the lyrics to "When the Levee Breaks" while wearing inside out Spandex, does it work then?
It's on the stereo channel, but I have the a Y-cable plugged into the left and right. I have no problems with the mono channels. It does the same thing when I put it on solo. It does the same thing through the Alt 3-4 bus. I found out that when I turn the effect up, the only thing coming through the usually silent side is the effected side.
The soup can/spandex thing actually worked, but I don't want to have to do that all the time.
what Instrument are we talking about...and does it have a stereo out? IF you had a stereo splitter plugged into a mono jack on the instrument... then it's two other ends plugged into your mixer... your problem would happen. workaround...run mono. BUT thats probly not it.

ok.. process of elimination here... Check both the outs on your boss and make sure they both work..
Run some other stereo source into your mixer and see if you have the same problem.

AND! with your current setup... Unplug the cord from the RIGHT input on your mixer... Does it flip to stereo (dual mono) then, or not?


Have you checked your cables? After rereading your posts, it sounds like you may have bad cables connecting the drum machine to the mixer. Change your cables. If this doesn't work you may have a bad channel. So change your drum machine to a different channel.

Have you already tried this?

Rev E
Figured it out. Half of the cable was bad. The left side worked, so when I had it plugged in mono it worked and somehow I got the stereo snare.
Sorry for the trouble. The last time I checked, the cable was fine.
Thanks for helping.