I'm a n33b


New member
Hi! My name is Chris and I'm really excited to be a part of this forum! I'm from San Jose, California and I'm an aspiring Music Producer. I use the DAW Ableton, and I've started the transition over to computer music around July of last year. It's been hectic, but TOTALLY rewarding. Anyways, this whole music adventure started when I first picked up guitar at the age of 13. My dad, grandparents, and uncle helped pick out my first guitar (an Ibanez RG). Ever since then, I've just been a guitar purist who only cared about melt your face off metal and shredding. I've always tried to start bands around the places I was living at but it always ended in failure. Good people, good experiences, but it just didn't pan out. Ever since July of last year, all I focused on was honing my own guitar skills and had my mind closed to the numerous possibilities that computer music brings to the table. Until one day, a girl that I knew for a while in one of my classes gave me the idea, "If EDM is so easy to make, why don't you do it?" Ever since then, I swear that thought was in the back of my mind until I finally did begin the journey to start producing with my computer. BOY WAS I WRONG WHEN I HAD THAT MENTALITY but in all honesty I LOVE the challenge that producing music brings. It's awesome, it's fun, and now I'm trying to expand my own following while picking up some great pointers along the way. I'm collaborating with musicians/DJ's in my area to try and possibly start a name for myself. It's a lot of fun to be able to work with such real people, and music brings about almost this non-gender specific brotherhood among all pursuers. I've been reading book after book on music production to just open up my mind to new ways of thinking, and I'm starting to get faster at laying out ideas for tracks. I had one of my tracks recently mastered called "Tweet" on my soundcloud, it's an alright track. Some people really do like it, but I know that I could've done it better if I was a wizard at this stuff. Maybe someday I'll be? That'd be awesome, but now I'm just rambling. Hopefully I can grow as a musician/producer with everyone on this forum, I'm really excited about it!

Hope to hear from you all soon, thanks for the opportunity to be a part of this forum! -Chris
Welcome to HR.

Hang around...read....post....enjoy.

Oh....toss a line break in there every once in awhile. ;)
I'll be sure to head over to some of the different sections of the forum throughout the day, thanks for the welcomes! I'm still to young in the states to purchase alcohol, legal to overseas though! Haha. :D