Illegal aliens can now get a drivers license in California Newsoms AB60

Should undocumented citizens be able to get drivers licenses?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • No

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters
I'm not asking about generic voter registration with driver licenses in miscellaneous states, I'm asking about the specific case of the specially marked licenses for undocumented aliens in California.
Fair enough.
Your question was,
"Can you cite a reference to verify that this special class of license gives the holder the right to vote?"
I gave you two references. And you immediately dismissed the two articles.
You quoted..

60's guy said:

NY Law Automatically Registers Illegal Aliens to Vote

Democrats in New York didn't wait very long before executing the third and final step in their scheme to register illegal alien voters. New York Senate Democrats just passed a
Different state and a source that has an explicit bias, so that doesn't count.

Perhaps you should consider it that this country, for the time being, is held together by 50 States.

Dismissing a State and a source of reporting that you deem bias?

Fair enough.
Driver licences = voters immediately enrolled as legitimate voters.
Let me clarify: If you are claiming that the special California driver licenses for undocumented aliens gives them the ability to vote, cite a source supporting that claim or consider it dismissed. If you're not making that claim then I can disregard your statement as irrelevant.
Let me clarify: If you are claiming that the special California driver licenses for undocumented aliens gives them the ability to vote, cite a source supporting that claim or consider it dismissed. If you're not making that claim then I can disregard your statement as irrelevant.
"Since April 2018, when California residents go to the Department of Motor Vehicles to register a car or get a license, they are added to the state voter rolls — unless they opt out." This was posted HERE
"Since April 2018, when California residents go to the Department of Motor Vehicles to register a car or get a license, they are added to the state voter rolls — unless they opt out." This was posted HERE
It appears to be imperfectly implemented, which is fairly normal. I'd say the solution is to improve the implementation rather than scrap the whole thing. In Colorado we register to vote when we get a license and it's not a problem as far as I've heard. The article says "at least one" noncitizen was registered. That's not a good thing, but in the overall scheme it's pretty insignificant. If they investigate and find that tens or hundreds of thousands of noncitizens have been registered, I'd call that a pretty big problem. I did some searching and found no evidence of significant numbers of noncitizens voting. Bringing up the issue or automatic voter registration seems like an attempt to raise concern where none is warranted.
It appears to be imperfectly implemented, which is fairly normal. I'd say the solution is to improve the implementation rather than scrap the whole thing. In Colorado we register to vote when we get a license and it's not a problem as far as I've heard. The article says "at least one" noncitizen was registered. That's not a good thing, but in the overall scheme it's pretty insignificant. If they investigate and find that tens or hundreds of thousands of noncitizens have been registered, I'd call that a pretty big problem. I did some searching and found no evidence of significant numbers of noncitizens voting. Bringing up the issue or automatic voter registration seems like an attempt to raise concern where none is warranted.
Were their lips moving when they reported that? :ROFLMAO: Did you hear about our Unemployment department issuing hundreds of millions of dollars of UED checks to inmates? incompetence at its very best...It's all CYA..... I'd love to see how they did that audit...I call bullshit on "One" I had to renew my license this year and it was so automated and easy it was awesome ...But conversely when I saw that I was not being asked if I wanted to be registered but rather being asked if I want to "Opt Out" I thought to myself...hmmmm how convenient, a little too convenient. We're already screwed up here in Cali but to add a bunch of people who would never bother to vote, yet alone truly take the time and effort required to make a informed decision on how to vote on certain matters or candidates they are voting for, now getting registered and getting their ballots mailed to them I'd say we have diluted and lowered the informed voting IQ drastically....
It wouldn't surprise me if there were more than one, but I'm scaling my confidence to the available evidence, which is essentially none. I'll need to see positive evidence of it before I commit to believing it.

The solution to voters not being informed is to inform them, not to put obstacles in the way of their right to vote. Isn't this the information age?
It wouldn't surprise me if there were more than one, but I'm scaling my confidence to the available evidence, which is essentially none. I'll need to see positive evidence of it before I commit to believing it.

The solution to voters not being informed is to inform them, not to put obstacles in the way of their right to vote. Isn't this the information age?
Yep I agree , though I don't think that not have you automatically registered to vote when you are applying for a drivers license is putting up an obstacle. I also recognize that the masses are lazy asses who have much better things to do like watching reality shows and such than to actually take the time to become informed on the subjects that we vote for....It would be a wonderful world if everybody gave a damn about making this world a better place...unfortunately ESPECIALLY here in the good ol golden state a good majority fall into the category of it's all about me, myself and I and the free lunch I am entitled to. I AM A VICTIM held down by THE MAN... shut up I'm busy watching Jerry Springer! Cream rises to the top and that's who I think should be able to vote..The cream don't need someone to hold their hand all the way to the voting booth...they'll figure it out and be there because it matters to them... IMO I think you should at least have to take a simple mental competency test to be able to register to vote. Additionally IMO I believe the technology is there for all of America to be able to vote online and keep it legit....eliminate the cheating fraudulent votes...Heck yeah use the DMV as the only place you can register but in order to register you must have a valid (living social security number) that matches your DMV ID and you have to take a simple mental capacity test that shows you are capable of answering say maybe 10 simple questions correctly in order to qualify as a mentally capable voter...The cumbersome way in which we vote in this modern age is like driving down the street in a Fred Flintstone self propelled car. Lame. If we can set up the security measures to move trillions of dollars every day safely and securely via online banking there is no reason we can't have a safe and secure way to vote using similar security and verification methods.
The person who can convince the most uninformed people....becomes the one who is "right".

Needing "not to be wrong" is one of the most powerful human emotions. It's more powerful than almost every other some cases.....the need to live. Think about that. It's certainly more powerful than the need to get along or to learn or to understand or to keep things in perspective.

My 2 cents worth of.......well...........whatever you say it is.

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Man having to suck it up and admit your best thinking was 100% wrong is a bitter pill to swallow. My old man used to say the more I know, the more I realize how little I know...One of my best buds dad's used to tell him ..Son you just don't know what you don't know. Truth!
I'm not asking about generic voter registration with driver licenses in miscellaneous states, I'm asking about the specific case of the specially marked licenses for undocumented aliens in California.

If "undocumented aliens" were in possession of a document specifying their legal status in this country, what would it indicate?

What is the "specially marked" license in California for those who are illegally in this country. What is the mark? As I said, i'm not from California. Do you even have to provide identification to vote in California? Assuming there is a mark on an illegal alien's driver's license, who is going to see it to determine the illegal is ineligible to vote if one is not required to provide identification?

In my view, pragmatically, it is unwise to wait for evidence of the occurrence of something undesirable that could be foreseen and prevented from happening. The whole "slippery slope" thing comes to mind. In these strange times where it seems so many are on the left behind end of the struggle for equality.....scuse, "equity".....those who sympathize with this struggle might surely view it as discriminatory to deny undocumented aliens who live and work in this country the right to vote?

Incidentally, what do you call an "undocumented alien" who has been to the dmv and got himself one of them specially marked licenses?
If "undocumented aliens" were in possession of a document specifying their legal status in this country, what would it indicate?

What is the "specially marked" license in California for those who are illegally in this country. What is the mark? As I said, i'm not from California. Do you even have to provide identification to vote in California? Assuming there is a mark on an illegal alien's driver's license, who is going to see it to determine the illegal is ineligible to vote if one is not required to provide identification?

In my view, pragmatically, it is unwise to wait for evidence of the occurrence of something undesirable that could be foreseen and prevented from happening. The whole "slippery slope" thing comes to mind. In these strange times where it seems so many are on the left behind end of the struggle for equality.....scuse, "equity".....those who sympathize with this struggle might surely view it as discriminatory to deny undocumented aliens who live and work in this country the right to vote?

Incidentally, what do you call an "undocumented alien" who has been to the dmv and got himself one of them specially marked licenses?
A California resident with an AB 60 license is still an undocumented alien as that's a federal matter. The license says "FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY" on the front and something about not being acceptable for federal purposes on the back. You can't use it to vote or board a commercial airline flight.

If people aren't required to show ID to vote, issuing DLs to undocumented aliens won't change anything. If people are required to show ID, it still doesn't mean they can vote because you need other documents. Anyway, it's ultimately a matter of managing the voting rolls properly, which should be done anyway. AB 60 license applications are blocked from the voter registration function at the DMV.

Anyway, it's ultimately a matter of managing the voting rolls properly, which should be done anyway

Well.........based upon what has transpired previously I'm sure we're in inept hands.....forever! trusted not even as far I can spit...

I absolutely believe it is totally possible to get this voting thing to be accurate, fast and within .05% margin of error... Online voting and registration with your social security number, your e-mail, phone number and physical address. With serious prosecution ( like a mandatory 5 years in federal prison sentence ) if you are caught trying to cheat. But it probably won't happen in our life times.

And addendum at the bottom of the article you posted..... Love it ....we're in good hands ;) can you say CYA? ...... Have you heard about the 31 billion California Unemployment department admits to paying out to fraudulent accounts? Trust government run agencies they're the best!

Update, Aug. 28, 2019: In late 2018, the California Secretary of State’s office said roughly 1,500 people — including noncitizens — were erroneously registered to vote through the state’s motor-voter program. The office has said those registrations have since been cancelled, but this month it announced that six people who were erroneously registered “due to DMV errors” actually voted in the 2018 elections. Paula Valle, a spokeswoman for the office, told us none of the individuals wrongly registered were licensees under the AB-60 program, which allows immigrants in the country illegally to obtain a license.