if your a protools user lets talk

well no its no ad lol , i use protools al the time an i only have a few curious questions , i mean i use the 48v power phantom thing or watever they call it , an no mic preamp , do u thing it wuld be diffrent using a mic pre
You should clarify your question. It's somewhat difficult to understand.

I assume you mean should you buy an outboard preamp for recording. The answer depends on how much you want to spend.

If you're able to spend at least $500, then yes it MAY be beneficial for you to upgrade to a nicer preamp. If you want to spend less than $500 on a dedicated preamp, then I would advise you to stay with the Digi unit that you have (this is all assuming you have a Digi 002 or higher...since you didn't specify it's more difficult to answer your question).

I have the Digi 002 and the FMR RNP...I recently recorded drums with the RNP serving as the preamp for the 2 overheads, and the built-in pres on the 002 as the pres for the other channels. This worked out very well. If you have the 002 (or something similar) and you're planning on buying something like the DMP3, I would tell you to save up and wait.

Hopefully you can provide us with more information to help fully answer your question.
Ditto. Kaz pretty much hit the nail on the head.

I have a JoeMeek 3Q that I run into my Mbox for variety but it doesn't sound *better*- because its different I like it better on some things, but it doesn't have the same "Holy crap, that sounds GOOD!" effect that the RNP has. I also have a bunch of nice pres in a couple mixers that I use with a 002, so I haven't really felt the need to go get more.

But, ya. I'm pretty much game to talk about Pro Tools till the cows come home. Warts and all. (Pro Tools warts, that is, not cow warts.)

o sorry , well no im using mbox an you no it has its own power for the mic so u dont need a outboard amp but i was wondering would a better outboard amp make it sound better or does it noit make a diffrence
Yeah, it will make a difference, most of the built in pre's in interfaces are not very good. At least, that is the general consensus around these parts.